Looking For Deep Zen Meditating Tips?

Meditation is not a complex process. It is the simple practice of focusing your mind on a peaceful and quiet idea. And as you would expect, being in commune with nature helps achieve this in the best way. Here are a few more tips on improving your meditation experience and getting the best out of it.

• Pick a place that has abundant greenery. Any spot of natural beauty will do. Once you’ve decided on the place, make the time to go walking there, at your own pace. Don’t hurry. Go through the natural surroundings, looking and feeling every bit of its beauty. Remember to notice how you feel: your skin, arms, legs and so on. Try and concentrate on the feeling of bliss you experience.

• Another option is to sit quietly and meditate on everything around you, instead of walking. Feel the wind, look at the trees around, listen to the chirping of tiny, unseen birds. Again, note in your mind everything you see or hear or feel.

These methods are very useful in reducing stress. They are derived from the importance Zen Meditation gives on “living the moment”. It asks you to concentrate on the time at hand, and live this moment to the fullest. Zen Meditation is the art of giving your present your all, without longing or regret for the past, nor anxiety for the future – both major reasons for stress in our lives.
Here are other ways to practice meditation (while you’re traveling, for instance):

• Begin by breathing in deeply five times. This is the first step to relaxation.

• Now focus your mind on the physical act of breathing. Think on the inhaling and the exhaling without trying to change the pace or intensity. Try and make your breathing feel tangible, palpable.

Feel its physicality: it’s warmth, weight, frequency and so on. Do this for up to five minutes and you will feel your mind calming right away.

• The next step is the primary act of meditation. Look out the window at the scenery that’s going by without focusing on anything. Have a sweeping, blurred vision. Relax your eyes as they glance through the greenery and the surroundings – houses, buildings, grass, other cars, the sky and everything else that there is to see. Forget your “within” and concentrate on the “without” – the world outside you, let it fill you.

• Whenever your car stops, go back to step two and re-start the primary act when you begin moving again.

• Do not let this hamper your driving. If you’re on a busy street, leave the meditation for later.

Your “Deep Zen” can be reached in seven years of isolation, as most monks do it. Or, in a few minutes. Which would you prefer? The second?

Just plug on your headphones to some calming, instrumental music and let it seep through you. It brings the meditative quality that isolation does. Just allow the music to calm you, to let you meditate in tranquility. This, for a few minutes everyday is all you need.

Zen Meditation allows you to focus on your problems and their root causes. Once you’re able to fix your problems and meet them head-on, your work is completed and you don’t feel stressed about anything any more.

Its medicinal value is proven to work all over the world. Meditation programs are among the most popular healing programs today. In the programs, your brain is attuned to sound waves in such a way that it echoes the waves’ calming effect on your mind. Like a radio station in your own head which you can play whenever you want to!

Here’s an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation today. The Deep Zen audio program is easy for anyone wanting to learn how to meditate – offering a free demo, and helps advanced meditators achieve deeper levels of meditation too. Try another free demo here: Totally Tranquil

Yoga Meditation – How Yoga and Meditation Go Hand in Hand : yoga meditation

Yoga meditation is not only about physical postures! Our modern day yoga class tends to focus on postures only. If a little deeper study of yoga meditation is applied then it will become apparent that postures are only a small part of the practice. Postures are necessary to learn, but yoga meditation is essentially to eliminate feelings of incompletion and limitation in order to connect with our true Self.

Traditionally there are four paths of yoga. Jnana, Bhakti, Karma and Raja. These paths are not separate, they all work together in forming the art of yoga. Only a Yogi or Yogini will concentrate on perfecting the art of one of these paths only. Most commonly all four paths are blended together to balance out yoga practices. Most meditators will have preference for one or two of the paths. This is natural, but even so, it is impossible to abandon or ignore the other paths.

• Jnana explores the nature of our being. It’s focus is on knowledge and wisdom.
• Bhakti concentrates on services to God, love, compassion and devotion.
• Karma is service to others, mindfulness and actions.
• Raja emphasized meditation. It deals directly with our mind’s thoughts.

Even though these paths are all integrated, it is helpful to understand which one is mostly aligned with your objectives. This path will be your main emphasis and the others will be used to enhance your chosen path.

In yoga meditation train your mind to be one-pointed. There will be many obstacles along the way. Some of these may include doubt, laziness, fear of failure etc. Getting around these obstacles and not letting them interrupt your journey can be achieved by training your mind to stay focused on your objectives.

A mantra or short prayer can also assist you in achieving this.

Virga means the energy of conviction and persistence. Make sure that you are firmly aware of your convictions. Develop a determination and a strong attitude to succeed in your yoga meditation.

In practice one will focus on the use of the body, senses, breath and different levels of the mind. An awareness of these will be developed and intensified until the center of consciousness is attained.

Contrary to some beliefs, yoga meditation is not a religion. It does, however, contain principles that can be related to certain religions. It is also holistic, dealing with a wide variety of practices including meditation, contemplation, prayer and mantra.

Yoga and Meditation are an important part of the lives of many people.

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Video : The New Masters Of Spirituality: Lessons From New Leaders In The Spiritual Movement, Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Journey – By Terri Marie

Video : The New Masters Of Spirituality: Lessons From New Leaders In The Spiritual Movement, Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Journey – By Terri Marie

Spiritual Lessons :

http://bit.ly/148LeLk The New Masters Of Spirituality: Lessons From New Leaders In The Spiritual Movement, Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Journey – By Terri M…
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Have you ever wondered why one of your business programs takes off like wildfire, while another one falls flat? Why some partnerships flourish, and others fizzle? How do you get yourself and your small business aligned and “in the flow”?

The answers lie in the connections between money, marketing and spirituality. Following are the seven lessons I’ve identified in my own journey as a passion-based small business owner and coach – that I’m now pleased to share with you:

1. Know that money, marketing and spirituality all follow each other. I think of these three key areas as moving, flowing, constantly changing “balls of energy.” It’s almost like they each have their own circulating vortexes of energy. The key is to get them moving and flowing in the same direction – this is the “sweet spot” you’re aiming for. When they’re not in alignment, your energy is constricted, and you feel bottlenecked.

With spirituality, I’m talking about owning your own joy – knowing what your joy is, and how you uniquely bring it to the world. When you’re aligned on that level, that’s when you can get that marketing energetic ball rolling – you can authentically share your spirit with the world in a public way that’s packaged and branded perfectly for you. This authentic and joy-based marketing strategy is powerfully enrolling.

When it comes to the money energy ball, this is an area that seems to trip up a lot of small business owners, especially women. When we’re in a business that’s very passion-oriented, we’re excited to help our clients transform their lives or businesses. But your money energy will get constricted – until you claim the money, feel confident in charging for the transformation you provide or the value you create in bettering someone’s life.

And then you want to allow the money to come in.

2. Your spirit and your small business speak to you – but are you listening? Stop and create time in your day to listen. You can do this by journaling, meditating, getting away from your computer for a mind-clearing walk – anything that allows you to think about your business from a broader perspective. What are your clients saying that they’re not really saying? What needs are unspoken? What is your business telling you about your product or service offerings?

To do your most effective listening, I strongly encourage you to use a coach or mastermind group — sometimes you’re too close to it, it’s too personal. Plus, the reasons behind your energy constriction aren’t always what you think they are! Having outside perspectives and people to ask you tough questions are invaluable in getting to the root of it.

3. Everything you do in your passion-based small business involves a spiritual exchange of energies. There are things on the visible level – like your emails, meeting a client for lunch, writing your newsletter, all of your marketing and communications. With each of these, you’re exchanging ideas, inspiration and especially energy, because your energy is attached to everything you do. The same goes for the invisible level – where even if somebody can’t see you, they can feel your vibration and intention through your written word (such as through your website or a newsletter).

Believe me, you’ll know when your message and marketing are powerfully aligned with your confidence – because everything just gets easier. The barriers seem to collapse in front of you, because you’re spiritually aligned with your purpose, your marketing is clear, and you’re open to the abundance. Now let it flow!

4. It’s a law of nature: we are here to expand. Just as nature is always changing and evolving as the seasons pass – and we ourselves are changing as our cells replenish themselves – so it goes with your business. This is especially true for entrepreneurs — you’re always at the leading edge of expansion, putting yourself out there for the world to see.

When one of my coaching clients feels that something isn’t working, I ask them to notice how they shifted to this new leading edge, and look at it again. It could be that your natural expansion needs to happen in one of these three key areas (money, marketing or spirituality). If you can identify it and clear it up, you’ll have that crystal clear, clean energy – and your clients will respond to that.

5. Be aware of the abundance around you. Tap into your gratitude on a daily basis, make a list of the signs of abundance and prosperity you see – because they are everywhere. This practice of always looking for evidence of our abundant world actually feeds your energy, helps you find that alignment.

Again, I highly recommend using a coach or mastermind group for this. As I look back over the last couple of years, I’ve seen how these resources have played a huge role in my success. They are the proverbial “mirror” you need to hold up to your life and your business, so you can see things for what they really are.

6. Dare to connect to that “knowing place” inside of you. I believe that everyone has a place that absolutely knows what you’re here to do in this world, that knows when you’re in the right place, going in the right direction. You have to dare to show up and say, “Yes, I know. I’m tired of my own story of saying I don’t deserve it. Yes, I do know.” Listen to your body. Your body talks to you. When you are in your joy, which is being on purpose, your body sends you signals: tingling, giggling, smiling, feeling your heart open, a tug in your solar plexus to move forward or holding your posture taller, are all examples. Slow down and listen to your body talk. Then, you can bring your brilliance forth into the world, to make it a better place by serving your clients well.

7. The universe likes focus & flow. In my experience, I’ve seen how everything just seems to come easier when there is a good balance between the masculine “focus” and the more feminine “flow.” (In fact, this is reflected in my company name, “Joyful Business”: joyful represents flow, and business stands for the focus we need.) When I first started out, I was really more about the joy – but what I found was that there is a place for persistence, focus, discipline and systems. Systems actually allow you to express your joy more often, with more abandon!

I recommend that you look for the one client, one program, one marketing strategy and focus, focus, focus on it – get that one thing up and going and work on making it really successful. The flow that comes from that focus will actually lead to more success!

Are your marketing, money and spirituality aligned, and moving in the same direction? What will you do today to tune in and listen to your business, and to your spirit within? What does today’s gratitude list look like for you?

Laura Howard West is a certified professional coach, writer, speaker and the President and Chief Creative Officer of The Center for Joyful Business. She is the creator of The Joyful Business Guide™, a business attraction system blending law of attraction principles with smart business designed for solo-entrepreneurs and business owners.

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Spiritual Knowledge, Techniques And Training To Strengthen Your Own Intuition. Exercises You Can Use To Get A Greater Understanding Of Yourself, Mother Earth, The Universe And A Lot More! These Lessons Fits Any Age, Thoughts And Beliefs. Made By Abthir
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A Mosque at ground zero? : grounding meditation

President Obama’s recent approval for the construction of the Cordoba Centre, an Islamic centre and Mosque near the site of the September 11 attack on the twin tower attack has quite understandably raked up a huge controversy. The President claims to have based his approval on the basic principle of religious freedom, as according to him there is no reason why Muslims should be denied the right to build a place of worship at the given location. The move is being strongly opposed by many including retired FDNY Deputy Chief Al Santora father of Christopher the youngest victim of 9/11 who see this as an insult to all those who lost their lives in the ghastly terrorist attack. Supporters of the Cordoba centre however feel that a Mosque near the site of attack would be a testimony to America’s liberal credentials and the free spirit of New Yorkers in particular. They argue that any steps by the government to stop the construction of the mosque could give it an image of being bigoted and intolerant to Islam and push moderate Muslims into the fold of religious fanatics and extremists. Detractors of the Mosque however feel that establishing an Islamic centre including a Mosque would be seen as a victory by the same groups that planned and carried out the attack on the twin towers and give them a sense of jubilation, they also feel that Imam Feisal Al Rauf who is heading the initiative is not above board. Supporters of the Mosque however hold the view that the entire Muslim community cannot be blamed or held responsible for what a handful of terrorists did and the American public should not let itself be swayed by politicians who are trying to make an issue of the proposed Mosque and divide the people on religious lines. The controversy rages on…

While much can be argued in favour of and against both sides, we feel that the right thing that a government which wants to project itself as being neutral and non-religious would be to encourage the construction of a ‘Peace memorial’ near the site of the 9/11 attack where visitors could spend a minute in silent homage to the victims, meditate or just go around the place. This would be better than building a Church, Mosque or any other place of worship and would also help the government steer clear of any controversy.



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