Expedient Moral Relativism From a Meditation Point of View

Article by Leon Potgieter

Expedient Moral Relativism from a Meditation Point of View

Moral relativism is widely taught at universities across the world. The message is that there is no such thing as right and wrong, good and bad. Every view is as good as another. You can make up your reality and do as you please. This is misleading as the distinction is not made between resolving the practical conflicts of life and metaphysical problems over what type of existence morals have. Instead of standing up to the problem, relativists disingenuously replace it with pontificating over whether morals are absolute or relative, real, reliable, good principles of action or non-existent mental fabrications. This form of moral relativism is clearly open to be used by dishonest individuals as a smokescreen to hide their manipulative intentions and harmful behaviour.

It is obviously untrue that all moral values are equal and none is better than the other as some cultures are more successful than others and this is often strongly related to their moral values. Moral values of emphasizing kindness, compassion and non-harmfulness are clearly superior as they lead to superior results. If all moral values are held to be equally true then it would be impossible to reach meaningful conclusions. For example, we could not say that present day Germany is a better society than Nazi Germany was. Clear cut rights and wrongs born of well proven experience and consideration towards others are necessary for social harmony and enterprise. Without this, the destructiveness of expedient individuals would have no restraining influence. Different cultures have different morals but this is not sufficient ground to assume that arbitrary moral relativism is the universal basis for behaviour as these cultures do not accept arbitrary behaviour is correct. Their moral systems are fixed and any violation of them is seen to be wrong.

The purpose of morality is to guide and regulate individual and social behaviour. It is essential to distinguish between right and wrong in any situation as mistaken decisions lead to painful results. On a metaphysical level no moral system has an objectively established truth or superiority but on a practical level good and bad actions can easily be distinguished as they lead, respectively, to good results (amelioration of suffering) and bad results (intensification of suffering).

Although right and wrong are not absolutes, you are not free to make up your own reality and do as you please since your actions have consequences and if they are painful this cannot be construed as freedom. You also cannot make up your own reality as you cannot free yourself of your social conditioning. You depend on your conditioning to shape your reality. If you were separated from your conditioning, you would not be able to make sense of your life. You cannot abandon important beliefs without losing many other beliefs as well, and also some ability to understand experience. As long as you are under the control of your conditioning, you are not free. Whatever you do triggers a chain of uncontrollable consequences. If you shift your stance, everything else adjusts to this to maintain a dynamic balance relative to your new position. This is what relativism means. It does not mean that as you shift your stance everything else remains static so you can exploit it from a different angle. It adjusts to meet you face to face and there is no way of wriggling out of this. Expedient actions never work. In the long term everything balances out. Your consequences are perfectly matched and balanced to your actions and whichever way you turn, they are waiting to greet you with open arms. Finally, there is an unacceptably high level of disappointment, frustration and suffering in the world which often grows steadily with age. If it were possible to make up our own reality, surely we would make up something else.

The way you think about and relate to an object or situation shapes the way you and others see it and this connects you with it. You feel that by shifting your stance you can take the good and avoid the bad as it pleases you with no responsibility or indebtedness to others as though this is your inalienable right. But your actions to take the good aspects and give the bad to others deepen this connection with the object or situation and this creates a broad highway for the unwanted consequences of your actions to ineluctably return to their legitimate, if unknowing, owner. You cannot stop these unpleasant consequences from returning and because you are blissfully unaware of this connection you will be permanently surprised and wounded by their unwelcome appearance in your life. The results of your actions are your inheritance and that of your heirs who have been unwittingly drawn into your sphere of influence. They will reverberate through their lives for generations to come. When you move on to your next life, your results will be eagerly waiting to greet you, like long-lost family.

These ideas of yours that you have the right to do exactly as you please are so naïve and puerile they are pathetic. One hardly knows whether to laugh with amazement or weep with compassion.

Expedient moral relativism is the extreme incoherence of those who refuse to acknowledge the moral certainty that their actions have uncontrollable consequences and deny the necessity of a shared morality established on negotiation and consensus. It ignores the fact that we should do to others as we would like them to do to us and that they most probably will. It is weak, insipid and vacuous. The problems of defining and dealing with unacceptable behaviour are never raised. It is trite to say everything is relative, you have your way and I have mine. It is silly, impractical and irresponsible as whatever led to the disagreement has not been acknowledged and the disagreement has not been resolved. Disagreements are real and must be dealt with. Both parties take them seriously and, if left unresolved, they can lead to serious consequences. Expedient moral relativism tries to avoid the conflict and wish it away by ignoring it and pretending it is actually a metaphysical problem about whether or not morality exists. By confusing a practical problem with a metaphysical issue the problem is compounded. This is completely unhelpful as the conflict is still there and is deepening. Resolving the conflict is a practical problem. It has to be dealt with using level-headed, practical examination of purposes, discussion and negotiation. It has nothing to do with establishing the ontological status of morality. It has everything to do with working out a way to live and this is well within the reach of any fair, reasonable human being who has the will to make things work.

About the Author

About Leon Potgieter
Leon became involved in meditation a few years after completing his Honours degree in mathematics. His first introduction to meditation was in 1981 when he completed a 12 day intensive silent retreat, each day starting at 4 am and ending at 10 pm. Over the next seven years he did numerous intensive retreats lasting from a weekend up to three or more weeks. He also spent the greater part of three years at Samyeling, a Tibetan meditation centre in Scotland. In 1988 he did a 9 month isolated retreat, living in a tent on the Wolkberg, a mountainous area near Tzaneen. In 2008 he completed a further six and a half year isolated retreat, also in the Wolkberg. Currently Leon has a Shiatsu massage practice in Johannesburg. He specialises in treating injuries and chronic back and neck pain and stress. He also treats cancer patients to alleviate stress, pain and the side effects of medical treatment and provides support during pregnancy and labour.

For more information on massage, shiatsu, pregnancy massage, cancer massage and How to Meditate, visit Massage Wisdom

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Buddhist Tours, Places to See and Places to Stay- Tour around or stay in comfort

Article by rohan arora

Buddha spent the majority time of his life in the present north India. Therefore, the country is dotted with a large number of Buddhist sites. Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha between the 5th and the 6th centuries B.C. It is one of the three most widespread religions in the world. There is a wide range of opportunity for Buddhist Tours, places to see and places to stay in India.

Earlier, Indian kings and wealthy merchants frequented the Buddhist monasteries, which are today crowded by tourists from India and abroad. Today, Buddhism is the fifth largest religious group in India. In the 13th century, the ancient city of Nalanda in Bihar was the seat of Buddhist philosophy and religion. Buddhism was also popular in other Indian regions like the some pockets of the tribal areas in northeast India, Himalayan kingdoms of Bhutan and Sikkim.

The most attractive feature of your Buddhist tours is the Buddhist Gompas. If you want to meditate and follow the teachings of Buddha, then you must come to the various places of worship scattered in the Indian landscape. For the thousands of Buddhist pilgrims and tourists who come to the sacred destinations in India, there are many hotels, lodges and dharamshalas that provide comfortable and suitable accommodation to you.

Places to See during your Buddhist Tours

During your Buddhist tours in India, you will get an opportunity to witness a variety of beautiful paintings of the Buddha, Dharmchakras, Boddhisatvas, Dishapals and Mandals on the walls and the inner chambers of the gompas. The Hemis gompa is one of the biggest Gompa of Ladakh. Plan you visit during the summer festival at this gompa and be a part of the masked dances and religious ceremonies.

Besides the gompas, you can also visit the Buddhist monasteries, popularly known as vihara. The famous monasteries in India include Sanchi, Dhankar Monastery, Maha Bodhi Temple, the Tabo and Namgyal in Himachal Pradesh and the hilltop Buddhist monasteries of Ladakh

Your Buddhist tours would take you to Bodhgaya, the site of Buddha’s enlightenment, Sravasti, Sankashya, Nalanda, Kushinagar and Sarnath or Rajgir, where the Wheel of Dharma was first turned.

Places to Stay during your Buddhist Tours

The tourists

Health Benefits Of Yoga Programs

Article by Sanki Linkon

How to spend such a long summer vacation? Would go out to my aunt’s place, learn ballet dancing, complete my e-learning course and would start maintaining a diary where I can keep a track of all the things. Are you also thinking of spending the summer vacation in the same way? It’s due to the tough schedule of schedule which doesn’t allow taking care of the health and get involves in some physical or outdoor activities. Children nowadays don’t go to outdoors to play or do any kind of exercises which will help them to stay fit and fine.

Though your friends were forcing you to join the classes, you didn’t find the whole idea of a very interesting as one needs a lot of time to learn the healthy poses. So, you decided to do a little bit of research on joining the learn classes. Which are programs would benefit you more? Yes, there are different yoga programs such as meditation, Bikram yoga, Kundalini yoga and many more. Before you decide on the yoga programs, it’s advisable to determine the reason of joining program. What made you join yoga? Are you suffering from any kind of health problems? Do you want to get a size-zero yoga with the yoga exercises? Many people also practice yoga to get rid of stress problems which leads to more health issues in future.

Yoga beginners find it a little difficult to concentrate on the exercises in the beginning but would soon find it easy after regular practice of yoga. It’s important to practice the yoga exercises regularly to enjoy the benefits; yoga is a long process which only benefits when it gets completed. Many people also join the yoga classes in groups or with friends so that they don’t miss out the classes, your friends will be a major reason to go to the yoga classes regularly. Where would you get the best yoga programs? There are many fit centers and yoga studios which arrange classes of Yoga For Beginners. Many yoga centers or studios also give a free trial class to the beginners so that the beginners get the idea of yoga. A good instructor not only helps the student to learn the correct yoga postures but also inspires him to get involved in it.

Have you heard of online yoga programs? It’s mainly for people who are too busy in their life and has no time to take care of their health. After a hectic day at office, people usually find it difficult to go to the yoga class. Therefore, an online Yoga Programs helps people to learn yoga in their own pace and in a comfortable way. You would also get the online yoga DVD’s in any of the retail stores in the market in cheap and affordable prices. If you have the budget to hire a yoga instructor, you can do it easily who will teach you in the comfort of your home. Enjoy this beautiful art!

About the Author

Sanki Linkon is a renowned yoga expert who offers yoga lessons online. In this article he discussed the various postures of Yoga For Meditation , especially the benefits of Bikram yoga . To know more about his views on various yoga postures visit https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.yogaexpertsonline.com/

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A Look At The Art Of Meditation

Article by Trevor Johnson

The art of meditation can be a valuable tool for relieving the stresses of our modern world. Understand though that different individuals practice meditation with various techniques and methods. In general, meditation is used as a spiritual exercise. The purpose is to relax the body and the mind, and fortify the human soul with serenity. Of course, finding the time to delve into these ideas can be pressing. But, a proper practice of meditation can yield fantastic results.

Understand that there are several different methods you can explore regarding meditation. Around the globe, different cultures use different techniques. Even though ideas on this vary, there are basic ideas that should be incorporated. Learning to correctly use posture, breathing, and putting yourself in an ideal state of mind is of utmost importance.

Ideal posture is vital to acquiring a proper meditative technique. The most effective and ideal posture involves the crossing of ones legs and the straightening of the back vertically. Employ this position to help acquire a more peaceful bodily alignment.

Another important aspect of this spiritual exercise is a relevant breathing technique. This is often overlooked or underestimated, but is vital. Slow and control your intake, breathing in your nostrils at a methodical pace. This will help bring about a calming serenity that can help overcome whatever stressful situations you may find yourself in.

One of the most important, yet most difficult idea for beginners to take hold of is releasing yourself from your stresses and allowing your mind to take on a peaceful state. The goal is to free your mind from the frantic and static mental state that accompanies daily life. Although achieving this is tough in the beginning, with time it can become second nature. Soon, this will not only be a part of your meditation, but a part of your daily life.

Although sacrificing some time is necessary to acquire a proper technique, the benefits of a real meditation session will far outweigh the loss of your time. Finding a relief to your daily stresses is wonderful, but other, much more significant goals can be met. A deep understanding of your life and its function is priceless, and the spiritual healing is something no doctor could ever offer.

Today’s fast paced world is often very difficult to cope with. Often, we lose sight of our true selves through a complete devotion to professional and personal goals. Simply slowing yourself down and undertaking this spiritual exercise will help complete your life through spiritual cohesiveness. By accomplishing this serenity, your overall life will benefit.

About the Author

Discover more about the art of meditation with these meditation for beginners tips.

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Stress Relief Music: Discover the Amazing Ways It Promotes Relaxation

Article by Caroline Selfe

Stress relief music has a profound effect on our minds and bodies. Listening to soothing music can ease physical tension and mental anxiety, slow breathing and heartbeat and lower blood pressure. The accompanying relaxed state is highly beneficial to health and well-being.

It is not a mystery that music influences our emotions and state of mind. The fact that music has such a strong impact on us is usually taken for granted. We tend not to think about it. We just know it does.

Exactly how does stress relief music bring about relaxation? The answers may be surprising.

Lesson One Seeing in the Spirit For Beginners in Christ Jesus Bible Study : Spiritual Lessons : Video

Lesson One Seeing in the Spirit For Beginners in Christ Jesus Bible Study : Spiritual Lessons  : Video

Spiritual Lessons :

Lesson One: Seeing in the Spirit for Beginner Believers in Christ Jesus. This lesson covers the importance of standing upon a bible promise to see into the kingdom of heaven, and what the first promise is. Secondly, we do a simple study on the meaning of the word ‘see.’ We pray this a blessing to you, today!

Find The Health Benefits of Yoga In Goa

Article by Indiainternets

As we all know that the Yoga is targeted to connect the body, the mind and the soul. The experts of yoga help you to unite the mind and the body, and if it is done in a right way than yoga can help you find perfect harmony in your life. Thus, it is well-advised for therapeutic. It assists you to become more informed about your body’s posture, patterns and alignment of movement. With the practicing of yoga, you are able to make the body more flexible and relax even in the inside of a stress affected environment. Due to all these features, yoga has been widely practiced by the people. People need to do Yoga – to feel more relaxed, be more flexible, be happier and peaceful. Yoga in Goa is highly popular for its honest pricing and effective results. Some of the advantages serve with the practices of Yoga in Goa India are as follows:

Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hypo-reactors)
Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
Respiratory rate decreases
Pulse rate decreases
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases

Since the ancient times, yoga has been practiced to serve the therapeutic benefits. It includes Ancient concepts, laws and observations about the body and mind link which is now being proven by medical science. Considerable research has been organized to examine the Health Benefits of Yoga Goa India – from the Yoga Breathing (Pranayama), the Yoga Postures (Asanas) and Meditation. If you are looking for Yoga Goa India, we would be happy to help you! The details available on Yoga Poses & Advantages are segregated into three categories. These categories are mentioned below:

Biochemical effects
Physiological effects
Psychological effects

In addition to this, scientists have laid these outcomes against the advantages of daily exercise.

Apart from all that, there are some other Benefits of Yoga Goa India that are Respiratory efficiency increases, EEG – alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation), Gastrointestinal function normalizes, EMG activity decreases, Endocrine function normalizes and Cardiovascular efficiency increases. However, it’s still significant to work harmoniously with your experienced health care providers and get proper treatment when you require it. Practicing Yoga Goa India provides the greatest health benefits by allowing you to establish your strength, flexibility and balance.

Following are the benefits one can get from practicing Yoga in Goa:

Excretory functions improve
Low risk of injuring muscles and ligaments
Effort is minimized, relaxed
Breath-holding time increases
Joint range of motion increase

If you are looking for a Yoga in Goa India, then Swan Yoga is the perfect choice to go with! For more information please visit our website: https://secrets2meditation.com/goto/?url=http://www.swan-yoga-goa.com/yoga-in-goa-india.php

About the Author

Swan Yoga in Goa is the fruition of the teaching of Paramhamsa Swami Niranjananda Saraswati. Drop in Yoga is available mainly in the style of ashtanga yoga. We offers Yoga in Goa,Yoga in Goa India,Yoga Goa India and, Drop in Yoga Goa.

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