Be still and Know the importance of meditation

Article by Carmela M Turner

Prayer is a routine for many. However, the way one prays matters a lot. While praying people usually put forth their points and requests, but they do not wish to listen to what God says. When there is a connection established between you and the God, you can hear an internal voice. This voice answers most of your queries. Most people when they pray talk to God rather than with Him. They don’t take the time to listen, in deep inner silence, for His answer. Prayer, however, to be most deeply meaningful, needs to be a two-way communication, a giving and receiving — like conversation. And while it would be absurd to think in terms of “fascinating” God with our part of the conversation, there are proven ways of making our prayers more effective. Listening is one of them. Meditation is thus that time of prayer when you are silent and listen to the voice of God. Prayer must come from the heart. That is what I mean by conversation. As there is a world of difference between talking at someone and talking with him, so there is a universe of difference between petitioning God and including Him in the needs we feel.Meditation is more than a practice conducted at specific times of the day. It is a habit of mind, a way of life. Try sharing your thoughts and feelings with God all day long. Listen for His guidance, His approval — yes, even His silent laughter within! When you share your life with Him, your meditations also will be much deeper. When people exclude the practice of meditation from daily prayer, it usually means they aren’t really convinced there is anyone “up there,” listening to them. All too easily, their prayers become a process of simply talking to themselves.Meditation procedure:

Sit upright, and breathe deeply through the nostrils counting 6 – 12. Hold the breath 6 – 12. Then exhale, again to a count of 6 – 12. In this particular exercise, don’t hold the breath out, but begin again immediately with another inhalation. Repeat this exercise six to twelve times.When you meditate make sure that you are not disturbed. There should not be any distractions like sound, movement, etc. Also, one is advised to sit upright, without the support of the chair. The body should be perpendicular to the ground. Using a bead necklace while meditating and chanting god’s name and praying to him, helps you maintain your focus on one single point. If you do not know the art of meditation, learn the same by joining a session at a yoga retreat and feel the difference in your life.

About the Author

carmelamturner is a expart of Yoga Retreats and Meditation Retreats. She provide information about Seva and Yoga Teacher Training.

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Meditation – Then and Now (What is Meditation?) : Meditation : Video

Meditation – Then and Now (What is Meditation?) : Meditation  : Video

Meditation :

Meditation : What is meditation? Where did it come from? What can it do for me? Know more about Meditation. Meditation is universal. It transcends all divides like religion, country and culture. It is a gift given to mankind to access the infinite sprit not limited by any identity. It is the only tool that can aid a person to return to innocence. Know more about meditation :

Learn About the Benefits of Yoga – It Can Change Your Life for Good

Article by Yoga Information

From ancient times yoga had been practices by Hindu saints and monks. It was Patanjali who first wrote down the principles of yoga and his Yoga Sutra is the basis of different yoga forms that are practiced even today. There are many benefits of Yoga that are known to us. Scientific studies have also been conducted that have also proved the positive effects of Yoga and Pranayam benefits. Let us present some of the most striking Yoga benefits.

Physical benefits of Yoga – When you practice yoga regularly, the asanas that you perform make your body supple and strong. It makes your muscles stronger and joints flexible. It increases the rate of metabolism that is helpful in reducing excess fat from your body. As yoga makes your joints and spinal cord flexible it increases your body reflex. Therefore with yoga you get strong and fit body that is in perfect shape. Apart from shaping your body it increases your endurance and stamina as well.

Effect of yoga on cardio vascular health – Yoga and especially the Pranayam is known to have positive effects on our cardio vascular health. In fact this is one of the most important benefits of Pranayam. Pranayam is basically a way of breathing exercise. Through Pranayam you will learn the basics of controlling your breathing – with better control over your breathing your lung capacity will improve and so will your cardio vascular health. It will help to control blood pressure and eliminate the chances of cardiac diseases. With regular practice of Pranayam, level of oxygen will increase in your blood and it will also flush out toxins from your system.

Yoga influences on digestive system – Yoga has a direct effect on our digestive system and undoubtedly it has some positive effects. Whatever we eat need is digested in your stomach and there are so many organs that participate in the digestion process. If one of these organs does not function properly, it will result in indigestion and so many other health complications. A proper digestive system is the primary condition for a healthy system. Regular practice of Yoga ensure secretion of the digestive juices properly that ensures proper functioning of the digestive system. There are so many asanas that ensures a healthy digestive system. It will not only help to get rid of digestive problems but also get the nutrients from your diet.

Effect of yoga on nervous system – Apart from these physical benefits of Yoga, there is a distinctive benefit of yoga that you cannot get from any other form of exercise. That is the mental or psychological benefit. Yoga is the union of mind and soul. Pranayam is known to have positive effects on your mind. It will let you get rid of all your stress and tension that is part of today’s life.

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The benefits of Yoga are multiple, it heals the body from within and relaxes the mind, so Yoga gives you fit body and strong mind.

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Simple Meditation Techniques for De-Stressing for Beginners

Article by Rockeysheen01

Meditation has come up as a very successful means of curing stress and anxiety. It has become very popular among people who have a natural tendency to become anxious or have a very stressful life and/or work. There are a thousand meditation techniques and each has its specific use and advantages. But not all are recommended for the beginners. They do not have the agility and the flexibility to practice them all. Therefore, it is best for them to follow some simple meditation techniques for beginners. Three of the most simple meditation techniques are being discussed below.Concentration TechniqueThis is a very simple method of meditation. All you need to do here is to sit in a place where no one will disturb you at least for a couple of an hour. Sit quietly and try to free your mind of all the worldly concerns and focus all your attention on a specific object. It could be anything, a burning candle, or an image or even an object. Sometimes it might become difficult for a beginner to clear the mind of all the other things. In that case, you can close your eyes and try to recreate the image of the object in your mind.Breathing techniqueIf you think that an outside object will further distract you, then you can follow this method of meditation. For this you have to sit as described above. But instead of concentrating on an outside object, you have to focus your attention on your breathing. Take in a deep breath and then exhale slowly. As you exhale imagine yourself releasing all the bad energies in your body. Make sure that when you inhale your chest inflates and during exhaling the stomach deflates. Keep doing this as long as you do not feel your mind calming and relaxing. You can begin by doing it for 20 minutes and increasing it gradually.Guided meditationIf all else fails then you can take the help of a person or a meditational aid like a recorded CD. There are specially recorded CDs such as Hemi Sync which make use of sound waves to help you concentrate. But if you think that music will further distract you, then this is not for you. In that case, you can join a meditation class. There you will have a trained master to coach you about the best meditation techniques for beginners.

About the Author

This Article on Hemi Sync is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on meditation techniques for beginnersmeditation for beginners and different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

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Meditation Techniques for Stress Treatment

Article by Holly Lane

Meditation is not just for those “new age” people who wear tie-dye and attend 5am yoga classes. No, these days, even type-A corporate types are acknowledging the therapeutic powers of meditation. In today’s fast-paced world, we need every tool we can to combat stress and its negative effects. For that reason, we all owe it to ourselves to at least consider meditation as a viable option. If you are not sure about what meditation can do for you, then it’s a great idea for you to try it out yourself, from the comfort of your own home. Here are some great meditation techniques for stress relief:

Finding a quiet place. Any good meditation must start with the right environment. The place you choose to meditate should be quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions. You don’t need any special furniture, or equipment. You just need to be able to get away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world for a little while.

Simple breathing meditation. This technique is perfect for beginners, as it is a great way to learn how to get into the meditative mindset. Either sit Indian-style or lay down – whichever you prefer – and practice deep breathing. Close your eyes first, and then inhale as you concentrate on pulling air into the very base of your lungs. It helps if you visualize the air entering your body and filling your lungs from the bottom up. Consciously moving your diaphragm down as you breathe also helps you get the feel for this guttural type of breathing. Once you’ve taken in a slow breath and are sure you’ve filled your lungs to capacity, hold for just a couple of seconds (or as long as you are comfortable holding without straining), and then breathe out very slowly, being sure to dispel as much air as possible. Pulling your diaphragm up into your body helps clear your lungs fully. Concentrate only on your breathing and you will notice a change in the way your body feels. This is your foot in the door to the world of meditation.

Seeing the body. After you have mastered the deep breathing technique, you can work on learning to “see” the inside of your body with your eyes closed. Choose a color, and then – beginning at your toes and working your way up – imagine lighting up each portion of your body, one at a time, with that color. Different people report different things, but this practice should result in some sort of feeling in the part of the body you are envisioning – usually a warmth, tingling, or just a general awareness of that body part.

Following the mind’s path. After deep breathing and acknowledging each part of your body, you should begin to feel as though you are sinking into your environment, or “floating” in some way. That means you have set the stage for either guided or free meditation. If you do not have a guided meditation to follow, then you may opt to just follow wherever your mind takes you. Just observe, acknowledge, and then release any thoughts that cross your mind. Do not judge. The point is to open yourself up to your subconscious so you can receive its communications.

By following these meditation techniques, you can greatly reduce your stress and improve your overall health and well being. And this is just the beginning. There is much more to meditation than you can even imagine, so hold on tight. You are in for a wonderful adventure.

About the Author

Holly Lane is a single mother of two boys, a freelance writer, and an avid learner. It is her goal to help others accomplish their dreams by sharing her experience. She has just released her first eBook, “How to Go to College as a Single Parent,” and is now offering it free if you visit her site.

For a multitude of other helpful articles and resources related to the complex and rewarding job of single parenting and having it all,as well as a FREE download of “How to Go to College as a Single Parent,” visit

If you are new to the world of meditation, then click here for a great beginner’s course that will guide you through the process and lead you straight to the many benefits of meditation.

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A Information To Yoga

Article by

All you want to know to get began in yoga, including the health advantages, yoga types for rookies and discovering a yoga class.

What is yoga?Yoga is an ancient form of train that focuses on energy, flexibility and respiratory to boost bodily and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a collection of actions designed to increase power and adaptability) and breathing. The observe originated in India about 5,000 years ago, and has been adapted in different international locations in a wide range of ways. Yoga is now commonplace in leisure centres, well being clubs, colleges, hospitals and surgeries.

What are the well being advantages of yoga?Dozens of scientific trials of varying quality have been published on yoga. While there’s scope for more rigorous studies on yoga’s well being benefits, most studies counsel that yoga is a protected and effective way to increase bodily activity, particularly power, flexibility and balance. There’s some proof that regular yoga follow is helpful for people with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, aches and pains, together with low again pain, melancholy and stress.

Can yoga help prevent falls?Yes. Yoga improves steadiness by strengthening your lower body, in particular your ankles and knees, thereby lowering your probabilities of falling. However, falls may typically be caused by a health situation, during which case it’s a good idea to see your GP or visit a Falls Clinic at a neighborhood hospital.

Can yoga help with arthritis?Yoga is well-liked with folks with arthritis for its light approach of promoting flexibility and strength. Some research suggests that yoga can cut back ache and mobility issues in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. However, some yoga strikes aren’t suitable for individuals with arthritis. Find a teacher who understands arthritis and might adapt movements for particular person needs, especially when you have alternative joints. Verify with a doctor or physiotherapist to search out out if there are any movements to avoid.

Am I too old for yoga?Undoubtedly not. People typically start yoga of their 70s and often say they want they had started sooner. There are yoga lessons for each age group. Yoga is a type of exercise that may be enjoyed from childhood to your superior years.

Do I’ve to be match to do yoga?No, you can join a class that is suitable to your fitness level. For example, to affix a mixed potential yoga class, you need to have the ability to get up and down from the floor. Some yoga classes are chair-based.

Don’t I should be flexible to do yoga?Not necessarily. Yoga will enhance your flexibility and aid you go beyond your regular vary of movement, so that you then really feel more comfortable throughout normal daily activity.

Can I injure myself doing yoga?The commonest yoga accidents are caused by repetitive pressure or overstretching. However yoga is the same as every other train discipline. It’s perfectly secure if taught properly by individuals who perceive it, and have experience. Studying from a professional yoga trainer and selecting a category appropriate to your degree will be sure that you remain damage-free.

What style of yoga should I do?There are a lot of different kinds of yoga. Hatha and Iyengar are suitable for beginners. Some styles are more vigorous than others. Some might have a different space of emphasis, resembling posture or breathing. Many yoga lecturers develop their own follow by finding out more than one style. No type is necessarily higher or more genuine than any other. The bottom line is to choose a class applicable to your fitness level.

What kind of class should I look out for?Courses can differ in period from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes. An extended class provides you with more time for studying the breathing and relaxation and will give the instructor time to work together with your particular person ability. It’s price chatting with a instructor about their method earlier than you sign up for a class.

It’s higher to start out with a class to study the poses and breathing strategies correctly. With a DVD, there will likely be nobody to correct your mistakes, which may lead to damage over time. With some experience of being in a class, a DVD can then be helpful for maintaining practice.

For more details about yoga visit my site. The health care, sport authority web site with a whole lot of articles obtainable free to help you meet your goals.” click here.. to see all information about yoga”.

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