Healing With Guided Chakra Meditation Techniques

Meditation is fast emerging as one of the most powerful source of positive energy and healing. You learn to relax your mind and body and reach a peaceful state where the daily stress doesn’t let you go. However, just like any other practice, meditation too has different techniques that have been made so they tailor suit your needs as an individual. One of the most peaceful and powerful ways of meditation is Chakra Meditation. Before understanding chakra meditation techniques, you need to know how to locate the chakras in your body:

· Root Chakra – Coccyx or Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. Health and security are linked to this chakra. Color-Red

· Naval Chakra – Located at the naval abdomen, this chakra is responsible for the physical feelings of sexuality, love, pleasure and passion. Color – Orange

· Solar Plexus Chakra – Located below the chest and above the navel. Responsible for control and concentration along with will power. This chakra can be used to strengthen your internal energy so it can control the external energy. Color – Yellow

· Heart Chakra – This chakra is located at the center of your chest and focuses on love, care and understanding. This is responsible for the feelings of compassion, forgiveness, balance and harmony as well as the rare feelings of divine and unconditional love. Color – Green

· Throat Chakra – This is located in your throat area, between the top of the sternum and chin. Responsible for the power of communication. Knowledge, wisdom, kindness and honesty generate from this chakra. Color – Sky Blue

· Brow Chakra – This one is located right above your eyes on the forehead, popularly known as the “Third Eye” region. This chakra generates energy that is beyond physical realm. Insight, clairvoyance, imagination and intuition are related to this chakra. Color – Indigo

· Crown Chakra – Located right at the top of your head. This is responsible for your very consciousness of time and space as well as your sense of higher self. Color – Violet

Guided meditation is the best way to meditate as the person or the voice guiding you will help relax your mind and body with expertise. But you can practice chakra meditation techniques at home. Here is how:

· Chakra meditation doesn’t require you to sit with legs crossed. You can either sit or lie down but your back must be straight at both positions.

· Breathe in and out deeply, but unlike other forms of meditation, you don’t have to focus on regulating your breathing.

· Inhale and feel your breath traveling up and then down your spine when you exhale. Repeat the process till you feel rejuvenated.

· Begin with root chakra. Imagine the specified color and feel its energy. When you’ve felt and visualized the energy of the root chakra, move on to the naval chakra, so on and so forth. Repeat this for each of the seven chakras.

· Separate chakra crystals are available. You can buy them and hold the crystals for focus while going through the chakras.

Chakra meditation techniques are age old and proven to take away the stress from your body and help you understand your body and energy points better than anyone else. Practice daily till you reach a state where your perception of life changes and strengthens your soul.

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.

Guided Meditation MP3 and mindfulness meditation MP3

With the popularity of meditation the Guided Meditation MP3 is also in demand. One can get the MP3 in the market or can even download it over the internet. The guided meditation MP3s mostly comprises of music or a voice of the guide who help you to start with this kind of meditation. If a person follows these exercises the he will be able to relax and achieve an inner balance. The Guided Meditation MP3 s also guides you to follow these exercises.

With the help of this Guided Meditation MP3 one can understand the instructions properly and will be able to carry out the exercises in a proper way. You will also get some music with the Mp3s which is mostly instrumental and helps you to relax and achieve higher level of concentration.If you want to forget all your anxieties and want to live in the present then the mindfulness meditation is the best option for you. Whatever thoughts come to your mind you have to concentrate on that and focus on the present in this type of meditation.

If you want to practice the mindfulness meditation then you can just find a place where you can sit comfortably and try to focus on anything particularly. In this type of meditation the object of concentration is not important rather the quality of your focus or the level of your focus is important. If any distracting thoughts do come then there is no need to avoid them or manipulate them but just let them be there and be a witness. When you feel like you are getting distracted then try to shift your focus back to the main object of focus.

This kind of meditation helps you to shift from delusion to truthfulness and from unconsciousness to consciousness. You can also practice mindfulness meditation in your everyday life. Try to witness everything that happens but don’t let them affect your life. Try to be witness of whatever is happening but there is no need to ask many questions.

For more information on guided meditation and mindfulness meditation, please visit www.Advancedmeditation.comYou can learn how to meditate quickly and easily, visit our website and get the information you need to get started today. Advanced meditation is brought to you by Steven Sashen, an experienced meditation expert. http://www.advancedmeditation.com

You can learn how to meditate quickly and easily, visit our website and get the information you need to get started today. Advanced meditation is brought to you by Steven Sashen, an experienced meditation expert. http://www.advancedmeditation.com

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Love and Meditation are Interlinked


Love is like a fountain that takes birth in heart and then its water pours out to heal and support you. Meditation helps to initiate the feeling of love and once that happens then people can overcome all distress, disease and regain health and happiness. It is very pure form of love that comes from meditation – unconditional and selfless. This is also the first step toward spirituality.

Meditation helps people to focus on themselves and invoke within them the feeling of love and forgiveness. When love emanates, the capacity to forgive also comes along. Then people can really start sifting the coarse elements from their mind, relieving themselves from harsh feeling and bad experiences. What follows thereon is a deep-seated respect for oneself and also for others.

Practicing meditation annihilates negative thoughts and when negatives thoughts die, the fountain of love springs up. It then douses all bad feelings and elevates the spirit for good cause. This obviously brings success, fame and joy in one’s life. Good thoughts definitely have a greater role to play in one’s life as thoughts live and take shapes. Love is the origin of good feelings that is unconditional and unrestrained. So, meditation gives birth to love and love brings in good thoughts and good thoughts help making a fine person.

So, when love takes root it makes a perfect individual having the qualities to face any situation undeterred and unaltered. A person gains confidence and can shower his blissfulness on others too. They can trust themselves and also help build trust in others. It helps one to live a better life, overcome problems, cure diseases and better manage their own life.

It takes many sessions of meditation to truly feel and understand the significance and meaning of love.

When one meditates on love it finds expression in the heart and the fountain springs up. It brings an everlasting joy and the strength to overcome fear. Through it also emerges the consciousness of God and life becomes meaningful.

This form of meditation can be started any time by quietly loving yourself first. Then this practice can be continued with deeper meditation. It will result in emergence of the love-fountain and will heal people of all their ailments.

Meditation helps to unlock the love melodrama and then the person gains the power to feel intensely for everyone, appreciate nature and do things that he found to be impossible earlier. It leads to an outburst of success, joy, empathy and good feelings.

Inside Review – Stress Relief Management

Inside Review – Stress Relief Management

I really enjoyed reading this book as it has helped me better understand the situations in my day to day life. I currently have been going through some rough times with my marriage as well as my work. I now realize that those rough times are not as rough as I thought they were. Nothing really comes easy in life and this book certainly is not a ” this will fix everything book” , However it did help me stop and realize what is important to me and made me stop worrying about all the little stuff that I had no control over in the first place.

The beginning of the book is about stress in general. What is stress and most importantly what causes it. I have to admit that there were some things that I was blind to that I didn’t even realize was causing me stress or anxiety.

I think there are many different levels of stress that we go through. For me, and it goes through this in the book, I would tend to eat and over eat when I become really stressed. As you can imagine this caused an even bigger problem. Now my clothes started to not fit, my husband would make these little “fat” comments and one day I had one of my co-workers come up to me and ask if I were pregnant.

The book actually helped me realize the things that were causing me the most stress. Once identified I then started doing the simple things the book recommended to decrease my stress level. The “BEST” thing I did was to take a little bit of time for me ( which I did not have ) and started actually going to the gym 3 days a week. Now don’t get the wrong idea and think its some kind of “weight loss” or “how to get 6 pack abs” book because that it’s not. It simple explained that increasing exercise was one of the best things you could do to relieve stress.

Another important thing I got out of this book was to take myself out of the stressful situations as much as I could.

This was really helpful for work. There were a couple of people at my work that I simply did not like. Easy enough I started scheduling myself away from those people as much as possible. I am lucky enough that if a project come about and one of those “un-liked persons” were involved I could delegate the task to someone else, whereas before I would tend to do it myself. This was very soothing and rewarding to me !!

My conclusion is this EBook was worth every penny and more. Although I am not stress free I feel that I am back to my old self again. I look at a lot of things differently now and I am much happier in my marriage. Do yourself a favor sit down one evening alone and read the entire book. Then read it again as needed. I actually broke it down, took notes and wrote things in my life that were relevant to what the book was explaining at the time.

Learn more about stress and stress relief on my website as well as the stress book “Stress Relief Management”.

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Guided Meditation Script And Its Role In The Meditation Process

There are a lot of varied methods used for guided meditation as different practitioners have different goals for initiating the meditation practice. You can achieve these goals with the help of different programs and a really effective guided meditation script. In order to arrive at a deep meditative state, a person has to follow certain steps. A majority of these steps entail attaining a relaxed and clear state of mind. This is easier said than done, as a beginner can get distracted quite easily.

People who face problems in clearing their minds and focusing usually turn to a guided meditation script for achieving a tranquil state. Guided meditation can be very effective in getting a person in touch with his inner self instead of feeling lost in the meditation and failing to keep his focus.

How to start your meditation

Although there may be a number of ways to achieve a deep meditative state, almost all of them start with the practitioner sitting in a position that is comfortable for him/her. The choice of surroundings also plays an important role as any sound or distraction can disrupt the focus. 

The process of guided meditation requires the practitioner to quiet down and clear the mind. The practitioner can listen to a prerecorded audiotape or yoga DVD for this purpose.

Another way to quiet the mind is with Breath Awareness Meditation.  When focusing on the breath, the mind quiets down.  As you focus on the breath, thoughts will arise.  Acknowledge the thoughts without judgment, and just let the thoughts float away like clouds, bringing the awareness back to the breath. 

Some people also use Mantra Meditation.  Silently repeating “Om,” the universal sound and symbol for God and supreme consciousness, is used for this purpose.

The purpose of meditation

The purpose of guided meditation sessions is to accomplish a clear state of mind that is devoid of any worldly thoughts.

The meditating person is able to experience calmness throughout the body, mind and soul and this feeling of tranquility helps in dealing with the everyday stress of life.

Role of a guided meditation script

Since many people face difficulty in maintaining their focus during meditation, they opt to use scripts for meditation.  These scripts can also be soothing sounds of music or natural phenomenon, like rain or wind, to help in eliminating excessive thoughts that clutter the mind.

The average time spent per day in a meditative state is around 15 minutes, although advanced practitioners may feel that a more significant amount of time, perhaps 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening, can be much more beneficial to further the process of enlightenment.

Giselle Toner, E-RYT 500, is the Webmaster of Eternity-Yoga.com and
the Director of Eternity Yoga’s Power Fusion Teacher Training, a 200
hr. Yoga Alliance Course. For more information on yoga DVD, and guided meditation script and to get a
free copy of an e-book called The Yoga 3 Step Blueprint, please visit

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Stress Relief Treatment and Natural Home Tips for Stress Relief

Stress Relief Treatment and Natural Home Tips for Stress Relief

The life in today’s world is increasingly challenging with more and more demands of professional and family life resultant into excess stress. Stress is basically a physical reaction and it starts when a person feels vulnerable or besieged.

Stress and anxiety can emanate from many events such as divorce, losing a job, troublesome kids, long queues, petty arguments, preparing for exams, commuting a hectic distance on a daily basis and other such relatively small irritations.

Read more on Natural Anti-Stress Herband Home Remedies for Stressand Hypertension Relief

As we get busy and stressed, we tend to make poor nutritional choices that can actually increase our stress levels and root other problems.

If you’re feeling like everything is getting on top of you, or you’re finding

it difficult to cope and function as you normally do or perhaps you’re

feeling down in the dumps, then try these 5 easy stress relief tips.
It may seem that there’s nothing you can do about your stress level. The bills aren’t going to stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day for all your errands, and your career or family responsibilities will always be demanding.

But you have a lot more control than you strength think.

In fact, the simple realization that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of stress management.

Tips for Stress Relief

If you feel tense, make sure you consciously breathe in and out slowly and steadily to combat the shallow breathing and breath holding we tend towards when anxious.

Maintain good posture. You spend most of your day sitting or standing. If your spine isn’t’ in proper alignment, you will strain your back and neck. If you slouch while sitting you will compress your insides, including your diaphragm, and will breath shallowly.

To loosen up the neck, where many people carry their stress – Stand or sit up straight with the bottom of your spine turned under. (Do not arch your back) Let your head fall forward, keeping the neck and shoulder relaxed.

Slowly swing your head to one side, then let it drop and swing to the other side.

While doing stationary exercises such as riding a stationary bike or an elliptical trainer, watching TV can make exercise more fun.
For non-stationary exercises such as walking, listening to music or listening to audiobooks may help pass the time.

Home Remedies for Stress

Yogurt is the best home remedy for stress. It is rich in vitamin A, B complex and vitamin D. It provides relief from insomnia, migraine and cramps associated with menstruation. It is a best diet for stress.

Make a tea by pouring a cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried sage leaves. Strain and sweetened, with honey, if required. This is also good natural remedy for stress.

Blackstrap molasses are another effectual food remedy. It is a by-product of the sugar refining process and is rich in iron and B vitamins.

Alfalfa and sunflower seeds are also successful in the stress treatment.

Sprouts are also successful diet for stress as they are rich in calcium.

The leaves of holy basil known as tulsi are highly beneficial in the stress treatment. Chew 12 leaves of basil twice a day morning and twilight for preventing stress. Tulsi is known as adaptogen or antistress agents.

http://www.howdini.com/howdini-video-6638754.html Ever notice your neck and shoulders hurt after a stressful day? You’re probably holding a lot of tension in…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Enhance your meditation efforts with the guided meditation mp3

A lot of people have given up the guided meditation earlier due to several reasons. But most of these reasons are no longer valid. The main reason can of course be termed as the guided meditation mp3. With the help of this new invention, people no longer need to attend the weekly or the regular classes of meditation and neither do they need to spend hours in front of the TV or computer. Instead they can now use this form of meditation in any place of their convenience and as long and as often as they wish and fulfil their meditation commitment. It is as simple as that.

The main aim of any meditation is to make your mind free of any negative thoughts and then stimulate the mind and motivate it again for positivity so that it becomes more productive and efficient. All these help in leading a more relaxed and stress free life for an individual. Sometimes it can be rather difficult to focus your mind to a particular thing. This happens especially when you are new into the meditation techniques. In such cases, the guided meditation mp3 can really help you in keeping the mind relaxes and thus focus with concentration at the task in hand.

Most often, the mp3 uses music, sounds of wind, sea shore etc that combines with a calm and a soothing voice that enables you to relax all the while giving you instruction and guidance about the techniques and processes of meditation. This helps you in gaining a rhythm in your breathing and also helps your body muscles to relax in a certain manner.

In fact the usage of music in the guided meditation mp3 is a perfect way to enhance your process of meditation.

Instead of spending unlimited long hours trying to concentrate and focus on a certain object, it is a much simpler way of relaxing your mind with some good music. It can really help you in relaxing and soothing your mind thus helping it in becoming more efficient, calm and productive in the process. Once you are able to achieve a state of relaxation via meditation process, you can be sure to get a lot more efficient both in terms of your personal as well as professional life. And it is imperative to say that your life will become free of stress and tension eventually with the help of meditation.

This Article on guided meditation mp3 is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit http://themeditationmind.com/

Stress Relief – Reducing Stress in the Workplace : stress relief

Be Stress Free In the workplace.
This is probably the most common cause of stress, whether you’re in a job that has you dealing with high stress situations or a job that you don’t enjoy, stress can be a factor. I read a statistic during my research that I found quite astonishing:
It is estimated that work-related stress is responsible for six million days of sick leave per year, with stress being linked to many major and minor illnesses.
For most of us, work is a significant and meaningful feature of life with the majority of us spending over 25% of our lives working. While work can provide us with structure, purpose, satisfaction, self-esteem and earning power, it can also be a place of stress and worry.
(Source: safeworkers.co.uk/DealWithStress)
The first, and one of the most important things to know about stress in the workplace is that a certain degree of it is necessary for us to function and perform at our job. It enables us to be more productive, focused and driven. The big problems start when we have to much of it.
Work related stress is usually caused by:
 – Excessive time pressures
 – Inflexible working hours
 – Too much or too little responsibility
 – Poor work/life balance
 – Confusion over your role and responsibilities
 – Lack of job variety and interest
 – Inadequate training
 – Difficult relationships at work
 – Uncertainty over job prospects or a change of role
 – Fear of redundancy
Some of the physical symptoms of work related stress include:
 – Headaches and muscular tension
 – Backache and neck ache
 – Increased susceptibility to colds and other infections
 – Excessive tiredness and difficulty sleeping
 – Raised heart rate
 – Increased sweating
 – Lower sex drive
 – Blurred vision
 – Skin rashes
Does some of that sound familiar? I know I’ve fallen foul of quite a few of them in the past.
To begin to deal with stress in the workplace you must first find out what triggers your stress in the first place. This is about finding an equilibrium/ balance; if you’re in a meeting and you’re doing all the talking, this could be a sign of your stress making you talk to much. Take a few breaths and let someone else do the talking. It is hard to define your stress triggers in this book because they’re potentially endless!
You are the best judge of what makes you stressed at work. Now that you are more aware of stress and what it does to your body, you can identify when your stress levels are increasing. When this happens, it is almost certainly one of your triggers.
Talk to others.
A fantastic part of working can be the social side of it. 40% of Architects marry people they have met in the workplace, that’s a pretty high percentage. If you’re struggling to cope with the demands put on you, talk to your colleagues, you’ll often find that they’ve also been suffering in silence. The old adage; a problem shared is a problem halved, applies here. Once you start to talk about the causes of your stress, you’ll begin to feel less stressed, simple!
Take up a hobby or exercise.
There are a few lifestyle changes that can be made to help you reduce your work related stress. Taking up a hobby can be one of them. If you work in a physically demanding environment, think about taking up a slower paced hobby that involves relaxation such as Yoga. If you sit at a desk all day, try incorporating exercise into your hobby; start running, cycling, swimming, walking, climbing, martial arts, anything.
Avoid destructive coping strategies.
Something that I have seen an awful lot of in my research is destructive responses to stress in the workplace. These fall into three main categories:
I’m not talking about a quick pint on a Friday night after work before you go home, I’m talking about excesses in these areas. Smoking is a quick fix to stress and is detrimental in the long run. I shouldn’t have to tell you about the danger, needless to say, it will kill you!!!!
Caffeine is a less well known tool for dealing with stress. Caffeine speeds up your metabolism, among other things, and makes your heart beat faster. This can make you feel better for a short period of time but it is often detrimental and leads to tiredness towards the end of the day. Any more than 3 cups of tea or coffee in one day is probably to many.
If you subscribe to any one of these destructive methods of stress relief then begin to think what it is doing to your body. Try and reduce your consumption and replace it with your hobby. There is tonnes of information on helping you either quit smoking or alcohol, if you think you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. 

Jamie Campbell

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