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If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur’s story is highlighted from the beginning, in the upcoming documentary, INSPIRE…
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If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur’s story is highlighted from the beginning, in the upcoming documentary, INSPIRE…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Article by Michael Lee
Lately, you’ve noticed your significant other snapping at you more often. You note that he’s a lot more cranky, depressed and angry. On the other hand, she seems to have an overextended PMS spell (an episode of Premenstrual Syndrome).
So what could the problem be? Before your relationship gets to the point of “It’s not you, it’s me” conversation, you had better act fast. Get your loved one a set of stress relief gifts now!
Stress relief gifts are a harassed person’s best friend. Even if you may not be the frazzled boyfriend trying to calm down a nutty girlfriend, or a devoted girl trying to survive your man’s road rage, giving stress relief gifts are great any day; they may well save your loved one’s sanity.
Stress relief gifts include the ubiquitous “stress ball,” or those squishy things you mash when you just want to throw a rock at your boss or your officemates. Other stress relief treats would include aromatherapy oils, calming lotions, and anything else that could take someone’s mind off office stress.
Two hilarious stress relief gift ideas include the “Rip Apart Ref,” and the “Choke the Chicken” dolls. In the height of their anger, instead of throwing the paperweight at their boss, your loved one could just choke the chicken. Or, in the height of anger, they can rip apart the referee. The Choke the Chicken doll’s eyes pop out when you choke it, while the referee’s limbs come apart when you pull them, because the limbs are attached to the body via velcro.
If these novelty items are much too zany for you, why not try to soothe your loved one the conventional way:
For Your Girlfriend:
• –• Leave a bottle of scented oils or aromatherapy perfume, like lavender or citrus, on her desk. Slip it on her desk when you pick her up from work, while she’s not looking. Then send her an email the next day, to let her know it’s there.
• –• Send a box of chocolates or flowers to surprise her during the day.
For Your Boyfriend:
• –• Give him a book of jokes, or give him a subscription to a comedy website.
• –• Give him permission to hang out with his buddies on a night when you’d usually go out.
For both of you:
• –• Slip a packet of hot cocoa in your honey’s bag then send him/her an email or text message saying he/she has a packet of Swiss Miss or Hershey’s Hot Cocoa Mix in his bag to enjoy that day. This would possibly work better for women, because quite a lot of women love hot cocoa.
• –• Email her amazing pictures of exotic flowers, or send love notes to make him smile.
Ideas for stress relief gifts are endless. All it takes is a vivid imagination. You don’t even have to buy your loved one any of these gifts. Just keep in mind that the gift has to take your loved one’s mind off stress by making them laugh through relaxing or by making them feel appreciated. Surely, you’ll have a happier honey in no time!
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Discover powerful stress management tips using do-it-yourself psychological treatments! Then grab over ,355.00 worth of ebooks on the most interesting self-help topics for free at
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Article by Paul W. Sutherland
Do you at any time wonder what is meant whenever somebody says that they have to find themselves? Is it just some type of cop out or escape from real life? Then you’ve got others who say that they have to find God or perhaps that they have discovered God, not necessarily in a burning bush naturally. These people are typically ridiculed and targeted by other people who don’t understand. Exactly what does it take to go to a mountain top and stay there for several days meditating and looking to find yourself?Anyways, returning to the finding yourself or finding God. Here is the key, or what I really should say many consider to be a secret. You won’t ever find yourself or God, not even in a burning bush by looking for the right answers beyond yourself. You’ve got the answers to everything that has ever been, ever is or ever will be inside.It is that little voice that you barely perceive or ever listen to that is constantly attempting and striving to be heard. It’s the whisper that guides you to accomplish the things that will allow you to progress and allow you deal more easily with obstacles. It is the intrinsic radar system that gives you the course to take and avoid the bad weather which you may be heading straight into.Now you will be wondering, precisely how do you know and what exactly makes you an authority on this. In reality, I’m not an authority on this and I don’t possess the solutions. The contrasts and difficulties we face in everyday life will vary for everyone. Just what I can tell you is this: I now pay attention to that internal voice this is my number one guidance system. Not so long ago I neglected to listen and brushed aside just about every warning indicator which was put before me. I figured I knew better, I made choices based on fear of the things others would probably think. In short, I got myself into a situation that was a living nightmare which I could find no respite from.This is broadly the base for my brand new book Within this book I might risk being exposed to ridicule, possibly due to the way I have elected to express the story or because of the content. I feel like I failed. I failed myself, I failed my children and I failed my family. That’s a tremendous amount of failing to handle. Failure which may have been prevented, had I taken some time to listen for that little voice with the good advice. Nevertheless, I write about all those parts, even the ones that have been uncomfortable with the intention that other folks may keep clear of the problems I found myself in. Allow me to make it crystal clear, I am not a casualty nor do I have a pity party for myself. I made some foolish choices and conclusions and had to pay a price for them.The other essential point in all this is ~ there is nobody else to blame except me personally. It is often simple to find somebody else to blame for your mistakes, misfortunes or ill advised decisions. However in most instances, when we’re really sincere with ourselves, we find that we create all that happens in our lives. We have to assume responsibilty for the choices we make even those choices we let other people to influence as a result of fear. The blame game is not an alternative for the progressive life.In the end, FORGIVENESS is the vital thing. Not only to forgive other people for their part in events but moreover to forgive yourself.All too often we forgive other folks but block out that we are permitted to forgive ourselves.
About the Author
Paul W. Sutherland is the author of the book Orion & The Wildcat. It’s a true story based on his experience of loss, a disasterous marriage and finding love again. It takes you on an incredible journey with valuable life lessons in relationships and fear. It might make you laugh it might may you cry it might even give you the answers your looking for in your own life. Take a few minutes to take a look –
Article by Richard M. Frost
The modern fusion of evolutionary neuroscience with psychology has shed a wonderful deal of mild on the workings of our brains and the reasons for our feelings. In an before report on this site, Mindfulness Meditation – How to Slay Your Internal Dragon, we looked at the fears that are often created by the primitive “lizard mind” often on the look-out for threats, equally genuine and imagined. In this article, we appear at the emotional dimension of a later on evolutionary construction – the subcortical region inherited from early mammals – and suggest functional techniques to keep that minor critter inside us pleased.
Getting to Know Your Internal Menagerie
This recognition of emotional legacies from previous evolutionary states, and the cute animal analogy that accompanies it, was most efficiently popularized by Dr. Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius in their 2009 ebook, Buddha’s Mind: The Useful Neuroscience of Joy, Love, and Knowledge, though the fundamental concept did not originate with them. The mind can be noticed as three layers. The deepest layer – the brainstem – corresponds to the earliest brains in reptiles, and is concerned largely with the avoidance of harm. (Don’t forget how the dinosaurs had notoriously little “pea brains”?) Subsequent evolution of the initial mammals added the layer we now phone the subcortical area, an region concerned with approaching rewards i.e. getting meals. The ultimate layer – the cortex – came with the development of the afterwards mammals and primates, and extra a problem for attachment to a group. Thus, in the analogy that can quickly be taken too far if we’re not careful, there is a minor menagerie in our heads consisting of a frightened lizard, a hungry squirrel, and a clingy monkey. We ought to be attentive to every of their requirements to have a good day at the zoo!
Why Should We Be Nice to That Squirrel?
A squirrel with a good cache of nuts is a happy squirrel. Feelings of contentment, accomplishment, and satisfaction minimize our anxiety amounts, increase our immune programs, enhance our resilience, and make us much more generous toward, and considerate of, the demands of other individuals. One particular of Dr. Hanson’s repeated themes is that assumed designs practically rewire the mind through time, and we really should therefore attempt to program ourselves for greater joy. I would go more and include, admittedly in a metaphysical vein, that good emotions tend to beget experiences that reinforce them. If you might be searching to expertise far more abundance in lifestyle, feeding that inner squirrel is precisely what you want to do to ward off the poverty-consciousness that can trap you in a death spiral of diminishing opportunities and poorer results.
Mindfulness Meditation on Abundance
To make that internal squirrel experience “fed,” we ought to be conscious of scenarios in the course of the day when our simple requirements are getting fulfilled. Readers of Rhonda Byrne’s The Top secret will discover the emphasis on cultivating an “perspective of gratitude” in these tips:
* Mealtime is, of course, a single of the most clear: be grateful for the meals that nourishes your physique, and understand that virtually thousands and thousands of other individuals – but not you – will be heading to sleep hungry tonight. * Breathing workouts are a classic sort of mindfulness meditation. With every single breath, be thankful that all the cells in your human body are receiving the oxygen they need to have. * An appreciation for oxygen may remind you of other standard substances that we generally consider for granted. When you have a consume (no soda, make sure you – which is poison), be thankful for the h2o with out which you would swiftly die. I like to ponder the simple fact that earth is the most impressive planet in the solar technique due to the fact of its abundance of water, the prerequisite for daily life. (And if you really want to go to city, you can assume about the distinctive properties of the drinking water molecule that make ice float on best of h2o, stopping rivers, lakes, and seas from freezing sound and getting to be inaccessible to us.) * Once you start off considering about the earth as a uniquely hospitable setting that meets our needs astonishingly well, you can derive feelings of comfort and security from the existence of crops and animals, the clouds in the sky, the warm sun on your skin, the ground beneath your feet. * You can also be far more aware of man-produced advantages that are all all around you, fulfilling your wants. If you reside in a very hot climate, like I do, recognize your air conditioning and the refrigerator that protects your foods from spoilage. If you have a automobile, feel about how it saves you from obtaining to walk 10 miles to the grocery shop.
Hopefully, looking at this short listing of suggested mindfulness work outs will get you considering about your personal. It really is very impressive how swiftly these workout routines can adjust the way you feel. Even if you are going by way of tough moments – as so numerous folks are proper now – there is even now a lot to be thankful for if we simply shift our focus. Some individuals want a around-death experience to understand this lesson all we necessary was a minor squirrel.
About the Creator
For more thoughts on mindfulness, go to this comprehensive Meditation Blog.