Guided Meditation – A Free Mind Power Technique For a Better Life : free guided meditation

Many online sites offer free mind power techniques that allow people to concentrate better and improve their meditation. Thankfully enough, meditation has become a widely accepted method of relaxing the mind and the body. And why shouldn’t it be? Meditation is a blessed sanctuary when the rest of the modern world is barging in on your life. It is also a means of harnessing the powers of your mind to take the reins of your life and lead it to where you want to go.

One simple technique is the nature scene. Find yourself a peaceful and quiet place to stay where no rowdy children or nosy co-workers can disturb you. A nice, little nook at home or a cubicle in your office restroom should work just fine. Sit down in that corner, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Never mind the sound of the ice cream truck or the chatter of office girls as they enter the restroom. You are in your private little world. This will be difficult to begin with, but will become easier as you meditate more and more everyday.

Count backwards, starting from 100, and continue breathing deeply as you reach zero. By the time you finish counting, you will feel your mind and body slipping gently into a very relaxed state. Now, imagine yourself standing on a strip of soft, warm sand, looking out over a deep blue ocean with sea gulls swirling above. Continue breathing deeply as you hear the roar of the ocean as the waves come crashing. Feel the cold water swishing through your toes as the waves hit the shore. Smell the salty sea breeze as the wind ruffles up your hair.

Then sit or lie down on your back and let your body absorb the soothing rays of the golden sun. Let the power of the sun, wind, and water overwhelm you, invigorate your senses, refresh every single cell that exists in your body.

This will be your own little corner of the world. This is where all things are good, and you are safe and free from everything else that worries you. When you are beset with worries, simply take up this free mind power technique to give you the mental relaxation you much deserve. Of course you can re-invent the nature technique and re-create your own scene to suit your tastes. If you know a particular spot of nature that has left you with pleasant memories, you may use that scene, too.

You can also modify the first part of this meditation technique by visualizing the colors of the rainbow instead of counting backwards. Only, you have to make sure that you can actually see the colors in your mind’s eye. If you are having difficulty doing so, visualize objects of each color, such as a red apple, an orange t-shirt, a yellow star, and so on.

Now, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Imagine a light, each having the colors of the rainbow, emanating from your feet, passing through your abdomen, and ending up on the top part of your head. Start with the color violet, then indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. When you have visualized the red light on your head, lead your mind to your nature scene and bask in your private moments there. When you are ready to leave, visualize the rainbow-colored lights moving through your body again, this time starting with red and ending with violet. You will feel better and more relaxed when you open your eyes.

The nature scene is a free mind power technique well-known to many and known to be an effective way of reaching the mind’s alpha state and improving mind power.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Healing Meditation Technique, Good For The Body, Mind And Soul : healing Meditation

This healing meditation is good for the soul, body and mind. First thing you want to do is sit in a comfortable position. This can be in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or in a crossed legged position on the floor. Once you are comfortable and feel like you are in a position that you can sit in for 20 minutes, it is time to begin the healing meditation.

Begin to imagine the body filling with a white energy light. It is best to start with the feet and slowly move up the body. Take your time with this, there is no rush. As you move up the body and this energy flows into you, feel the body relaxing. Continue this until the entire body has been encompassed in this energy. After this, the next step in healing meditation is to imagine any pain or diseased areas are surrounded by a dark energy mass. As you imagine this, see the white energy light taking over those areas and turning them into this energy.

Next step in healing meditation is to see this white energy shinning out from your eyes. As you imagine this have the light bend and target the areas that have been giving you troubles, pain or are sick. This white energy light penetrates these areas and transforms any remaining dark energy into shining white energy light. As you are doing this, fill your heart with love and send that love through the light to these areas also.

The last step is to feel this white energy warming the entire body. This warming sensation should feel like you are being wrapped in love. Sit for several minutes and feel this sensation of being wrapped in love.

Relax, open your eyes and remain seated for a couple minutes as you give thanks for the incredible white energy light that has been given to you for the purposes of healing.

A trained hypnotherapist for 13 years, practicing meditation since 1994. A trained yoga and meditation teacher, living on the road traveling the world since 2008.
View original article – Healing Meditation.
More information – Learn to Meditate

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Heal Your Inner Self With Guided Meditation And Mindfulness Meditation

Heal Your Inner Self With Guided Meditation And Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is a holistic discipline by which a person tries to get into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. From a very long time people have been practicing meditation. People practice meditation to get inner peace. Or in other words meditation is a subjective and personal experience. Many religions have the component of meditation. These days when the world is getting materialistic people are striving to find ways to relax. Meditation not only de-stress people also give some quality tine to the person doing meditation. There are many kinds of meditation. Mindfulness and Guided Meditation are one of them. A meditation technique in which a person follows a specific script or story either on a CD or MP3 or any other audio file is known as guided meditation. Guided Meditation is used for attaining relaxation, comfort, direction or inspiration. The duration of the script is mostly three to thirty minutes. The story or the script guide a person and let his conscious, subconscious and imagination follow the words. With the guidance of the story or the script the body relaxes, and awareness focuses on the sounds of the word or the voice or the music. Guided Meditation also helps to reduce stress.

Mindfulness makes a person more aware of the present time in place of thinking about the past or the future. Mindfulness meditation has no religious components. In Mindfulness meditation on has to concentrate in the present time. This kind of meditation is very good at reducing stress levels. If a person practice mindfulness meditation on a regular basis then it will be beneficial for both mental and physical health. Mindfulness meditation helps to cope with physical pain as those who practice mindfulness meditation when they achieve high concentration level acute pain is dissolved that helps in minimizing ones suffering in that moment. With regular practice of mindfulness meditation performance levels are elevated and people can perform a task more efficiently. For instance this helps students to study more efficiently, the ability of problem solving get enhanced, and even in sports this kind of meditation help to improve the performance of a sport person.

Simon Lee writes informative and unique articles about Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. One thing that separates Simon Lee from others is the passion he puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

To read more about Stephan Pende visit This clear and simple guided mindfulness meditation is from the cd “it starts with you…
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Got Stress? Get RELIEF! : stress relief

Got Stress? Get RELIEF!  : stress relief

Have you ever thought about what is causing you stress in your life? Some common causes of stress are:

Financial problems
Relationship issues
Loss of employment
Children with social and emotional problems
Family members with addictions
Elderly parents or grandchildren living in the home
Existing health issues
Illness or loss of a loved one
Career and business concerns

Stress can cause some very common health-related problems including fatigue, insomnia, high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, heart attacks and other illnesses. Unless you take control and learn how to manage the stress, it will lead to chronic illness and sudden death.

The 6 Steps of Stress RELIEF can help you gain control of what is causing you stress and help you lead a more peaceful life.

1. RELAX – The key to learning how to relax is that you have to make the conscious effort to do it. Whether it is deep breathing exercises, meditation or Yoga, your mind has to consciously tell your body to relax. Using specific relaxation techniques can help you control anxiety and fear, feel more at ease and even help you sleep at night.

2. EXERCISE – Physical exercise is the good kind of stress that our bodies need, and has been proven to positively impact overall wellbeing. However, it is important to remember to exercise your mind, as well. This could be in the form of reading or in the form of mental exercises such as puzzles and brain teasers, or researching a favorite topic. You can use your creative imagination to write a story, poem, article or even a book.


LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH – Live and enjoy life. You may have a lot of stress going on in your life right now, but when you focus on the positive aspects of your life, things begin to turn around.

Love your family, friends and those close to you. Show gratitude and appreciation everyday for the little things they do.

Laugh and have fun. Watch a funny television show or rent a comedy movie. Discover ways to laugh with your family.

4. INNER PEACE – Ways that you can find inner peace are through meditation, faith and spirituality. These are more personal and include methods that really resonate with you, such as going to church or meditating at home. Whatever your religious or spirituality preference, connect with that higher being that you trust. Having faith that things will get better will help bring more peace to your life.

5. ENVIRONMENT – This is so important to your well-being. If you have clutter around the house, papers needing to be filed, dishes in the sink or laundry to be folded, this can cause stress. Your environment can cause illness as well. You may have dust, mold and mildew that you cannot see that can be creating significant health issues for you. Studies are also indicating that high electromagnetic fields from wiring in your home, computers and appliances, can cause health problems. Make an effort to evaluate your environment and take corrective measures to make it healthy for you and your family.

6. FAMILY and FRIENDS, or other support systems – People who have support systems to help them through difficult times are much more likely to experience a reduction in their stress. Family and friends can help find solutions to problems, but also act like a sounding board to vent frustrations and offer emotional and sometimes financial support when needed. Getting a coach is an excellent way of establishing a collaborative relationship to help you develop effective strategies to gain control of your stress.

Make a list of those strategies you are going to implement and put them into action. By doing so, you are inviting gratitude, balance and tranquility into your life.

Kay Fontana, “The Grandcoach,” helps baby boomers overcome the challenges of raising grandchildren. A former teacher, mother of 3 and grandmother of 7, Kay and her husband have been sharing responsibilities of raising their 6-year-old grandson living in their home in Arizona.
A certified coach with a bachelor’s in Elementary/Special Education, a master’s in Educational Administration, and post-graduate work in Educational Leadership, Kay has dedicated over 20 years to teaching, training, mentoring and coaching. Her passion and purpose is helping baby boomers overcome the challenges of raising grandchildren so grandfamilies can find meaning, understanding and success in a safe & nurturing environment.
She has authored 2 e-books: “10 Grandcoach Survival Tips for Grandparents Who Are Raising Grandchildren,” and “Put Your Goals Into POWERDRIVE: 10 Strategies for Getting What You Want Out of Life.”
Kay is qualified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and is a certified facilitator of the True Colors assessment and personal success seminar. Her company, Coaching For Quality, centers around helping grandparents who are raising grandchildren by coaching and training them in the areas of managing change and transition, reducing stress and conflict, understanding personality types and achieving goals. Go to to or for more information and to receive my free Special Reports.

Meditation for anxiety and stress relief

Free online guided meditation (for anxiety and stress relief) Introduction video:- To learn the Full kriya yoga me…
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Relaxation Through The Ancient Zen Technique Of Meditation

Every individual goes through periods of extreme stress and mental tension in their lives. It is in these situations that their mind is tested to its limits and finds it incapable of performing even simple tasks. This can be a huge setback in a constantly improving and evolving world. This is why the ancient art of meditation is finding a revival among people. This technique helps in improving the focus and control of the individual and helps them assess situations without giving in to emotions. This is vital and helps them take care of both their mental and physical health. The benefits of deep breathing techniques have also found approval among many professional doctors and psychologists.

The mind is a very powerful tool and can prove to be effective if utilized to its complete potential. Meditation helps the individual step away from the problems and focus on finding a solution. A popular technique among many healers and Orientals, the method has also found popularity among many scientific researchers in recent times. The positive effects of meditation and breathing has been observed and researched by many scientific organizations. The ability of these techniques to help the individual calm down and provide them with a stress free perspective on their problems is very vital in today’s stress filled atmosphere.

The positive factors of meditation have attracted many people towards this process as a means of relaxation. But it is necessary that people undergo the right training and orientation in order to completely realize the benefits of these techniques. Most meditation techniques focus on the breathing patterns of the individual and help them gain control of their mind and the breathing rate.

This is very instrumental in bringing down nerve tensions and helps the individual gain control of their blood pressure and heartbeat. This is why meditation exercises are often recommended to patients of high blood pressure to help them relieve the stress. The main advantages of these techniques lie in their apparent ease and ability to be performed anywhere by anyone. This makes these meditative exercises the best form of self help for patients and stressed professionals. The current situation of unhealthy diets combined with stress filled professional lives makes it essential for people to practice these breathing techniques in order to find a balance in their lifestyle.

There are many self help courses available online which help users learn meditative techniques. These websites provide users with information from meditation to breathing and relaxation methods. However, it is important that users choose a credible and trusted website in this aspect. The use of the right website can help the users deal with problems like stress, hypertension and other cardiac issues. There are also many forums which discuss the effects of meditative techniques on mental and physical capacity of the individual. This can prove to be a very effective influence on the performance and health of many people. Meditation will certainly help people to bridge the gap between potential and performance even in stress filled situations.

Brett Reilly is the author of this article on Relaxation. Find more information about Breathing here.

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Yoga Addict : Yoga


Many instances in our life are such that we need to ‘relax’ our mind and body.  How many times does your doctor say that you need to overcome your stress, relax your mind and body?  Sleeping oils, depression pills, etc all this have become a routine and thus people resort to yoga sessions at a yoga retreat. These sessions help them overcome these mental problems as well strengthen their mind and body. The benefits of this exercise are such that the practitioners become an addict of this exercise and thus can never give up the same. If you still wonder that why are people addicted to this exercise, the next few paragraphs will answer your question and am sure will make you an addict as well.

Yoga has its roots almost 400 years back. Many saints, yogis and gurus have been teaching this art to and passing it on to different generations. Many generations have been benefiting from this art. This is different from the regular gym work  out because  it does not just aim at developing muscles or biceps rather it aims at strengthening your physique, your muscles and immune system. It not leads to forming biceps but makes you strong and if you are overweight it helps you to lose weight.

The poses of yoga helps you stretch your body muscles makes your body flexible. It helps in making you ready for your daily busy schedule. It helps you get rid of strains and body aches, joint pains and all sorts of health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, acidity, joint pains, etc. All these health problems for which you have been spending thousands of rupees.

This form of exercise can help you save all these hefty amounts and stay healthy. If your body is healthy you will be active at your work and in your life.

The meditation part of yoga will help you relax your mind. Your mind and brain is pressurized all day with loads of thoughts, problems, and work pressure. It needs to be relaxed to simulate the brain cell building process. The brain cells get tired and need to be rejuvenated and relaxed. Meditations and chants used in meditation create a positive aura around you. It calms and spreads positivity in the entire environment. This calm and positive energy in the environment around you will help your mind relax from the stress it takes the entire day.

The mix of poses and meditation make it a perfect way of relaxing and rejuvenating your mind and body. Yoga practiced in any form or style fulfils the ultimate aim of refreshing and relaxing you. 

carmelamturner is a expart of Yoga Retreats. She provide information about Seva and Yoga Teacher Training.

Heal Yourself with Reiki

In the fast lives we lead, the one thing we neglect the most is our health. As a result we are often faced with health issues on account of the stress and tension we endure every day. But you can get rid these issues through Reiki. Reiki healing works wonders in healing all kinds of spiritual, mental, physical and emotional issues. Let us see what the benefits of Reiki healing are.

· It relaxes you deeply and helps in reliving tension and stress

· It triggers the healing abilities of our body

· It helps you sleep better

· It helps in reducing blood pressure

· It helps in emotional cleansing and spiritual growth

· It increases the vibrational frequency of your body

· It supports your immune system

· It increases your vitality by postponing the ageing process

· It assists in cleansing your body

· It helps in reducing the side effects of drugs and accelerates your recovery after surgery or chemotherapy

· It adjust the energy flow and removes energy blockages, thus bringing harmony and balance to the body

· It can also help in fighting chronic problems (headaches, asthma etc.), acute injuries and addiction.

We can regain our natural healing ability only if we are stress-free and relaxed.

If you practice whole-body Reiki for a long time, it restores the general conditions of your body and opens up your energy channels. This in turn allows your body to handle built-up toxins and stress properly and naturally, helping you to cope up with depression and anxiety. If you practise Reiki in good health it helps you build up your bodily defences. That manifests in the form of outward harmony and self-confidence to tackle everyday events and helps you develop a positive outlook towards life. Reiki provides you with additional positive energy you need to recover from ailments.

The effects of Reiki can be reinforced if used in conjunction with natural therapies like homeopathy, meditation, aroma therapy, crystals, Bach flower remedies etc. Reiki can be considered complementary care. For Reiki healing Melbourne wide you can find many experts who can enhance the effect of health care that patients receive in hospitals and other health care units. For energy healing Melbourne Reiki experts can help all men women, and children live better. Reiki also works with water, plants and animals.

You can get in touch with George Lewis to know more about Reiki healing, healing Melbourne wide and energy healing Melbourne wide.

Popular stress relief products


For some people a warm water bath, the solution may be a little massage to find that yoga and meditation, the ultimate stress buster for many people. Besides these there are several commonly used methods of stress products that help you relax, unwind and dissipate the stress from your life. There is a wide variety of stress relief products, ranging from meditation music and instructional CDs and DVDs, the stimulator or the aromatherapy oils and candles.
Stress Relief Products – Massagers
In general, a good massage can help you get rid of all stress and blood flow in the body, which also helps to drive away all the pain or pain in the body and make you feel more relaxed to improve. You will find all kinds of massagers from the specifically head, face, back, and hand or foot massagers for the whole body massagers. Stimulators can be either manually or motored ones. Foot massagers with relaxing spa properties are very popular because they are the foot massage with varying water flows as a refreshing relaxing for the feet. Hand-held massagers head are also very useful for relieving you from stress as they head massagers help you to several important points on and around the head, which is a great stress buster massage. Besides these, there are also a variety of full body massagers, which is generally available as a massage chairs massage various points to give you the ultimate massage experience.
Stress Relief Products – Aromatherapy Products
Aromatherapy is an ancient technique used to combat stress. There are several aromatherapy products from aromatherapycandles, to aromatherapy bath salts, as a major stress for working people. Aromatherapy oils are often used for massage, as the soothing scents from chamomile, jasmine, orange, lemon, sandalwood and many other smells really help in rejuvenating your feelings and are known to have soothing properties and evoke different positive emotions. Aromatherapy helps dispel the blues and thus lets you refreshed and relaxed.
Stress Relief Products – CDs and DVDs
Stress techniques like yoga and meditation can be accessed through CDs and DVDs. Power yoga, meditation techniques are effective proven through many such discs, which act as great stress products. There is also a wide range of relaxing music, which uses music therapy is to help people relax and unwind after they are tired and fatigued as a result of the work and can feel the tension building up in himself.
Innovative Stress Relief Products
Besides the usual stress products, there is a series of unusual and innovative range of stress relief products that help people relax and get rid of their stress. Various optical machines that use different colors of light to be used as a stress-products. There are also good conditioner that help to cancel out the noise of the surroundings and you have to have a good night. Different types of pillows including butterfly pillows, or memory foam, pillows or even speakers are also used as a stress-products.

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