Natural Stress Relief Strategies for the Workplace

Article by William Ruth

The workplace can cause stress on a regular basis.

The regular day to day interactions with coworkers, the urgency of meeting deadlines and the increasing workload that a single employee has to handle can cause real and immediate stress and anxiety on a regular basis. This repeated stress and anxiety is unhealthy and can spill over into other aspects of life, affecting personal and family relationships. This side effect, in turn, can cause a person more stress and it becomes a vicious cycle. Understanding the issues that cause stress in the workplace is the first step towards relieving the stress and anxiety most employees feel every day.

Understanding workplace stress and anxiety can help remedy it.

In order to handle the stress and anxiety associated with a job, it is necessary to identify the stressors that are unique to your situation. Only then can you employ any number of natural stress relief strategies and actually see results related to your efforts. There are several situations that can cause regular and repeated stress in the workplace. For instance, having a disagreement or a clashing of ideas with a colleague can lead to stress if a resolution to the issue is not foreseeable. Also, stress and anxiety can occur when you have the same deadline for equally important projects that must be completed. This can also be attributed to the overall fact that employees are receiving an increased workload without an increased salary and ultimately fewer resources due to the shrinking workforce in most companies. All of these scenarios can worry a person continuously, contributing to other stress-related symptoms like insomnia and even depression.

How can workplace stress and anxiety be controlled naturally?

Now that we have a good idea about what particular situations in the workplace cause a person to feel pressure and apprehension, we can work towards handling each situation in a different way, thereby relieving some of the symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. There are a several natural remedies that can be tried with little difficulty and the benefits can be felt immediately. Here are a few to consider.

Concentrate on something other than the situation that is causing stress and anxiety. If you are a spiritual person, turn your attention to your faith.
In times of immediate and extreme stress and anxiety, count to ten and concentrate on deep breathing before moving forward with a comment or a reaction that could make a bad situation worse.
Yoga techniques have proven useful in stress management and anxiety relief. Practicing Yoga relaxes the mind and body, allowing a person to refocus and rejuvenate prior to tackling any task.

What if breathing exercise and other techniques do not cure the anxiety and stress?

If the natural remedies outlined above are not working to relieve stress and anxiety, there are many others to try. With a little research, more remedies can be found and with a little luck, one will be exactly what is needed for the specific and unique situations that are associated with the workplace. However, there are other natural ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Research has shown that the right combination of certain natural herbs and vitamins can absolutely relieve the stress and anxiety related to the stressors a person normally encounters in the workplace.

Natural supplements are a healthier alternative to prescription medications for stress and anxiety relief.

There is clinically proven evidence that supplements such as St. John’s Wort, L-Theapine, B Complex Vitamins, Passion Flower Extract and Bioperine have relieved many of the unhealthy symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. In fact, finding the right combination of these natural remedies would make all the difference and relieve stress and anxiety when taken properly. Coupling a natural supplement with the natural remedies outlined above, such as Yoga breathing techniques, will undoubtedly allow for much wanted relief from stress and anxiety.

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Get advice & tips to eliminate your stress & anxiety. Ceryn-7 provides effective nutriceutical products and ongoing education for anxiety relief & stress relief. Read Dr. Jenna Flowers reviews on Ceryn-7’s anxiety and stress relief products.

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Kundalini Meditation: Feel the Power

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

Kundalini meditation is, to put it simply, Buddhist meditation to an almost excessive degree. Yet unlike other types of excess, this form of spiritual release and empowerment is actually good for you.
Kundalini meditation draws its power from the base of the spine; indeed, the embodiment of this meditative form is envisioned as a coil of power that unravels from deep within you. Many practitioners report that a single session of Kundalini meditation will produce a divine feeling of ultimate personal empowerment; one unrivalled and unduplicated in this hurried, hard driving world, where many people are made to feel less than the sum of who they are.
Sure, you could try a multitude of other lifestyle practices that deliver a feeling of ultimate power. You could broker a big business deal, seek a raise or a promotion at work, spend a wad of cash on a fast, high-powered car, or assume leadership of a local club or organization-perhaps even start one of your own, that pertains to your interests and your strengths as a person.
While all of these activities may yield the power that you desire, and may indeed be worthwhile additions to your already busy life and lifestyle, they are just that: additions. Any single one of these activities-and especially any combination thereof-will put stress and strain on your life, and perhaps on your pocketbook. This is not to say, certainly, that you should not pursue the profession of your dreams, seek a position of leadership in your favorite organization, or buy the fast car of your dreams.
Yet if all you seek is an enhanced feeling of sublime personal power, you certainly have other options; the first and foremost being Kundalini meditation.
This form of meditation leaves you with a feeling of increased energy and divine self-worth. After just one session you will feel more confident, more empowered, basically ready to take on the world.
So if you do decide to pursue a long-held personal goal, be it the attainment of a raise or promotion, the purchase of a luxury item, the pursuit of a particular leadership position, etc., the practice of Kundalini meditation can facilitate that goal.
If not, then you still stand to benefit from the process and practice of Kundalini meditation; a form of meditation that unleashes the ultimate personal power, restoring your energy and making you feel capable of doing anything.
All forms of meditation can produce feelings of increased personal power. Yet Kundalini meditation is designed specifically to uncoil the strength that lies within; to bring out the ‘beast’ in you, but in a positive, affirming manner.
Discover Kundalini meditation today and unleash your inner power. A whole new world awaits you.

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years. You can read more about Kundalini Meditation on his website. He has also created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targetted at beginners.

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Modern Meditation for Your Life

Article by editor123

Modern meditation can be better defined as the art of realizing the inner capabilities and strength of a person to deal with the day-to-day difficulties and problems. The easiest way of realizing the power of meditation is to focus on any given subject with total concentration.

To realize the great healing powers of meditation, you can follow different systems and styles, approached with varying degrees of formality. Normally, all styles and systems can be useful for various reasons, and it would be a fun to discover which one is right for you.

The origin of Meditation
Today, modern meditation has been practiced throughout the world by millions of dedicated followers. It is believed that the concept of modern meditation was originated within the Eastern religions, more particularly within Vedic Hinduism. The main purpose behind the meditation is to allow the individual to discover a place of inner peace and calmness. The basic idea behind the meditation is to develop internal consciousness in order to free a person’s mind from the pains and sufferings of the physical plain of existence.

Benefits of meditation exercises
As stated earlier, meditation is the undoubtedly an effective method to give you inner calm and peace. The benefits of meditation reduce all these aspects of a busy, dynamic and active lifestyle to give you complete peace and just satisfaction.

To know the positive energies of meditation, it is better to experience yourself. You can experience your truth of existence and feel on the top of the world.

Online Modern Meditation
Internet provides a great source to provide relevant information about the meditation process of healing. You can find useful meditation products to help yourself and stay happy. So, why wait? Surf the internet and look for the ultimate way to change your lifestyle to minimize your pains and suffering and bring back the smile on your face.

About the Author

Visit Modern Meditation, for further information on meditation online, meditation community, meditation workshops, meditation news, meditation exercises etc please visit at

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Instrumental Music Downloads – Listen to India

Article by Tarun Kr Das

Instrumental Music Downloads – Listen to India

I know some people who love to have instrumental music downloads from India. When Hindus play music, this is only one aspect of the immense indian cultural diversity. India is a home land for music, as well as the powerful generator of a special kind of harmony.

Actually, the hindu type of music is a mean to raise the souls of the listeners, a special support for meditation. Not really what westerners are used to as regard to their pop or rock predominant music culture. Besides, the west is also the nest of classic and, although this point might be debated, jazz music. Those are widely known and appreciated instrumental music downloads. Nothing wrong with that. Nobody will dare blaming you for listening to such musical genres.

Music plays a big part in Indian culture. You can find it anywhere, including within the now renowned and prolific Indian movie industry. If you ever watched any Bollywood movie, you did not miss the songs, the choreographed dances, the overall presence of music, did you?

But Hindu music is not predominant in the movie industry, for it is very deep, contrary to what the apparently monotonous sound of God, Om would show. This music serves other purposes. It is for example believed to be very useful for those that rest or that are recovering from a disease. Also, the special monotonous sound of an instrument carries a strange form of solitude with its music.

When two instruments are mixed together, this is called jugalbandi. It allows both artists to unleash their creative power and produce an enchanting sounding atmosphere. Two sitars together can hypnotize the listener. So one very common way of using this charming music is to put a baby to sleep for example. Some westerners actually search for those instrumental music downloads to help them and / or children fall asleep! Also, singing along with those kind of formless melodies is the best way to call upon the spiritual nature in every mother.

There are different forks in Hindu music, called gharanas, with different schools. There are six different ways of playing the tabla, for example, and several sitar gharanas as well. Although many prefer to stick with classic oriental music and composition, the quite recent mix of jazz with Indian instruments opened the door to new and beautiful music production.

This gave us wonderful live performances and a new and interesting source of instrumental music downloads.

Tarun is specialized in instrumental music. He has been involved into instrumental music for documentaries, promotional clips scores, backing tracks and karaoke for over a decade. You can read more and get interesting resources as to instrumental music downloads in his website

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About the Author

I am Tarun Kr Das,I am an Internet Researcher,Blogger and article writer…I have been writing articles and blogs since 5 years….
Kindly visit my website for my latest work and Research

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Stress Relief Ideas

Article by Andrea Abundance

Finding relief from stress can be a challenge in today’s fast paced world. People are constantly on the go all day long and under a tight schedule. Yet no matter how busy you are, it’s important to keep stress under control, for otherwise your health and ability to enjoy life can suffer. Here we will discuss some tools to help you with stress relief.

You can make a big impact on the stress you experience by managing emotions, like anger and frustration. A gauge for your stress level could be determined if you get easily angered or have a low tolerance for people who disagree with you. You have to learn to accept that other people aren’t always going to do everything the way you’d prefer and you can’t always control this.

This includes everyone you come into contact during a normal day. If you have serious issues with anger, patience or tolerance, you may want to seek help in the form of counseling or anger management.

The amount of sleep and its quality can have a big impact on your stress level. If you don’t get enough rest, you have less energy to deal with the issues of daily life and it can be difficult to think clearly. If you tend to stay up late at night, try going to bed at least an hour earlier. Simply turning off your TV or computer earlier than usual can help with that. Reduce stimulants like coffee and eating too much to help you sleep better. Doing gentle exercise can also be helpful for winding down at night. Everyone needs a different amount of sleep, but make sure you’re meeting your requirements.

Money and finances are two major sources of stress for many people. You may not be able to solve your financial problems instantly but you can reduce the stress you feel regarding these issues. Many people who are in debt, for example, don’t take any steps to deal with it. A good first step is to set up a budget for yourself or your family. If you have trouble keeping track of your finances, save yourself some additional stress by getting a good software program to help you. If debt is a constant problem, consider joining a group to help you change any bad habits. If you deal with your financial problems in a practical way rather than just worry about them, you can get stress relief in this area of your life. How you relieve stress isn’t that important as long as it’s effective for you. Because focusing on something positive rather than your problems is a large part of dealing with stress, many methods can work. The above are just a few of the effective stress relief techniques that have worked for others.

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If you want to lose weight fast, then visit extreme fat loss diets. Check the before and after photos and awe in disbelief. You too can reach those results with extreme fat loss diet in 25 days or less.

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The Numerous Benefits of Yoga for Mind, Body and Spirit

Article by Jane Starr

The practise of Yoga has a distinct mind and body connection. Doing yoga requires the practice of precise and controlled moves, with a degree of mental commitment, while a controlled breath brings peace and inner calm.

Yoga has become increasingly popular over the last century, spreading out to the western world. The ultimate goal of a yoga meditation routine is to achieve a balanced union between mind, body, and spirit, due to its main elements of posture and breathing.

Here are some of yoga’s numerous specific benefits:-

•Yoga is very effective in alleviating stress and reducing anxiety.

•Regular practice helps the attainment of greater self-restraint, a strong state of mind, and genuine sense of compassion.

•While the practice of yoga exudes a sense of calmness, it is a dynamic activity that is ever changing and evolving, allowing yoga students to achieve a heightened state of consciousness.

•Meditation is an integral aspect in yoga and it is instigated using the breath to start calming and clearing the mind. This allows for more focus, preventing the mind from wondering about present day events or activates.

•With constant practice meditation can be wondrous and uplifting. It can take us to areas of our mind that we probably never deemed possible. It can have a dramatic effect on how we view our life, and how we view others. We are all responsible for what goes on around us. When we practise yoga and meditation it will help us to realise this and stop us from blaming others when circumstances go wrong.

•Having the proper posture and having a calmer mind-set allows yoga students to achieve a healthier body and sound mind. By allowing energies to flow correctly and in the right direction it also helps in addressing many other health concerns and emotional issues.

•A sincere yoga student becomes truly genuine in their intent to change their lifestyle and their body. They have renewed energy, healthier immune and nervous system, and more vigour to deal with life’s everyday events. It also encourages healthy blood circulation and regulates blood pressure.

•Yoga is a very good aid to losing weight because the movements encourage the removal of toxins from the system. Not only does it help reduce weight, it also helps to maintain your ideal weight.

•It helps the physical body to achieve strength, endurance and co-ordination.

•Yoga keeps the mind, body, and spirit connection in good balance. It also provides an avenue for mental and physical growth.

•Yoga is a safe exercise during pregnancy. Also, it can be helpful to pregnant women to improve their health for the sake of the foetus.
•Older generations can also benefit from doing yoga, as this can help their bodies heal quicker, and reduce any pains due to inactivity and poor posture.

•It contributes to the health of the spirit as it allows you to be more in touch with your inner self.

•Finally, yoga helps to rid the mind of negative thoughts that various stresses have instilled in the past.

If you are still not convinced of all these benefits and about whether yoga is for you, now is the time to try it and find out for yourself how it can heal the mind, body, and spirit.

About the Author

Jane Starr is a psychology graduate, who is a passionate writer and an aspiring entrepreneur. Jane is now writing articles for a website solely devoted to bringing a comprehensive range of natural health advice to everyone. To find out more about yoga visit our website at Natural Health 4 Life.

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Meditation Shawls – Experience The Beautiful Aura Of Warmth And Kindness

Article by Bruce Channers

Meditation shawls are good support items for meditation. They can help in achieving a deeper sense of relaxation. The warmth that they provide has been found to have a magical healing effect while you are meditating. No matter which form of meditation you are practicing, you can use these shawls to speed up the healing process. However, it is very important for you to understand that it is not just the physical warmth that these shawls provide. You are also benefited with a unique sense of spiritual warmth because of their specific design. Following are some of the most popular meditation shawls available in the market.


These types of shawls are specifically designed. They are basically made of fabric. Because of their distinctive design, they are lovely to wear. The great thing about these fabrics is that they are a great reflection of calmness, tranquility, serenity and peace. Some of the best fabrics that are used in the making of these meditation shawls may include jacquard, velvet, satin, cotton, knit, chiffon, crochet, cashmere, wool, pashmina, and silk. The most popular ones are those made of 100% cotton, or 100% silk. However, shawls made of other fabrics are also very popular among those who practice meditation.

Cotton Om Shawl:

The cotton Om shawl is a versatile shawl. As the name suggests, this is made of hundred-percent cotton. These shawls are available in a large variety of colors, which may include turquoise with medium blue, sage green with green, orange with black, lilac with purple, white with black, red with black etc. Since these meditation shawls are made of cotton, they are very soft, which eventually bring a deeper sense of healing effect for you.

Silk Om Shawl:

As the name suggests, these are made of hundred-percent silk. You can wear these shawls in a variety of ways. Some of the best colors for these types of shawls are tangerine, silver gray, lilac, turquoise, gold etc.

Om Mantra Shawl:

The Om mantra shawl is another popular kind of meditation shawl. The Om-mantra pattern is printed all over these shawls. This way, when you meditate by wearing these shawls, it helps you achieve a deeper sense of relaxation and inner peace.

Rayon Shawls:

The rayon shawls also make a great choice. Meditation is a spiritual practice and it is always worth using the supply items, like these shawls in order to achieve the best out of the healing effects of meditation. They are also available in a variety of looks. Some of the most popular colors for rayon shawls are purple, blue, black, and orange.

Overall, there is an endless range of meditation shawls and you can choose the one that best suits your taste. The best among these shawls are those in which the various meditation mantras are printed all over. It is because of the simplicity of the design and pattern of these shawls that they are able to reflect a unique sense of joy, peace, warmth and kindness in you. Meditation shawls are very simple in their approach, but have magical healing effects.

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To discover unusual secrets about the art of chakra meditation and guided meditation, be sure to check out:

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Back Pain and Meditation Part 4

Article by Glen Wood – The Yoga Teacher

Back Pain and Meditation Part 4

Out of the Hindu tradition comes Yogic meditation, which is also purely concentrative. The traditional basic exercises consist of focusing the mind on a single object: a stone, a candle flame, a syllable or whatever, and not allowing it to wander. Having acquired the basic skill, the Yogi proceeds to expand his practice by taking on more complex objects of meditation: chants, colourful religious images, energy channels in the body and so forth. Still, no matter how complex the object of meditation, the meditation itself remains purely an exercise in concentration.

Given the large number and diversity of traditional Buddhist meditation practices, this article primarily identifies authoritative contextual frameworks.

An example of this would be if you decided to focus on love. To start, you would relax your body, sit in a comfortable position, calm your emotions and begin repeating the word “love” over and over. The problem is that your mind has been your master your whole life and won’t easily relinquish its position. To trick you back into obedient slavery, your mind will divert your attention, often by giving you a tantalizingly interesting distraction. What you are supposed to do is to witness your being distracted and return to concentrating on the object of your meditation. Concentration is well worth persevering in and ultimately liberating, spectacular and a blessing.

For a long time people considered meditation as an esoteric subject of elderly which deserved a try only after retirement. Thankfully, the situation is changing fast. Now there are management schools where meditation is taught as a compulsory subject. The classes of meditation are being conducted in every part of the world. The most modern doctors of world’s best health institutions are recommending the daily practice of meditation to their patients.

Now meditation is globally recognized as an essential tool for stress reduction and mental peace. As more and more people recognize their true identity through meditation, there will be an increase in the awareness to recognize the presence of same supreme consciousness in everybody.

The Vajrayana tradition has developed a practice that makes it possible to go through this process much more quickly than other meditation practices. In this practice one prays to one’s guru and to all the gurus that have come before and develops a very strong devotion–an openness to receive their blessings. If one prays to the gurus, one receives the blessing, and through this blessing one’s meditation progresses rapidly and naturally.

About the Author

Glen Wood – The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE “Yoga and You” report at

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