Stress Relief Techniques at Work

Article by Robert moore

The human body has its own relaxation response that serves to counter stress. This relaxation response can be activated by different techniques, including deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and yoga. By practicing these Stress Relief Techniques daily, stress levels reduce. They increase feelings of joy and happiness. Staying calm is a must in the event of stressful situations.

Relaxation Response

Complete elimination of stress is not possible. Its negative effects can be countered through an appropriate relaxation response. This response is a state of rest and relaxation, which is the exact opposite of a stress response.

Stress gives rise to the fight or flight response. A number of chemicals are released at this stage. The stress response serves as a warning sign that something is wrong with the body. This makes it beneficial. However, long durations of stress response will inevitably wear the body down.

The relaxation response helps to achieve a sense of harmony and balance. Deep breathing, reducing stress hormones and slowing the heart rate and blood pressure are some of the ways to relax.

Relaxation response has more than mere physical benefits. Stress Relief Techniques helps to improve focus. Energy levels increase that combat illness. It relieves aches and pains, improves problem-solving abilities, and increases motivational levels. To experience these activities, individuals merely need to practice.

There are several relaxation techniques that help achieve the relaxation response. Stress-reduction techniques are numerous. Some of the most popular include yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, meditation, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation.

It is easy to learn the basics of these techniques. However, it takes a lot of practice to master these techniques. Often, daily practice is required. Setting aside 10 to 20 minutes of your daily schedule for relaxation is ideal. If stress levels are high, set aside an entire hour.

Get the maximum benefits from your relaxation practice

Allocate appropriate time: Include time for relaxation in your daily schedule. These schedules can occur twice in a day. Practicing relaxation techniques in the morning has unique benefits. There is less pressure in the morning to perform other responsibilities.

Avoid practice when drowsy: Relaxation techniques by themselves induce sleep. Therefore, practice these techniques while you are awake and alert.

Choose a suitable technique: No relaxation technique can be called the best. Choose the one that best fits your preference and level of fitness.

About the Author

Robert moore is a health consultant and a guide for Stress Relief Techniques. To know more information about Signs and Symptoms of Depression, signs of marital problems, how to survive a economic depression and Oppositional Defiant Disorder visit

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Information About Meditation Music

Article by N K Singh

As can be inferred from its name, meditation music is a type of music that is used in the process of meditation. This includes religious songs, reflective songs and modern composition among others. Some songs have been specifically composed for the purpose of meditation and this has been found to be the finest type of music for the same. Also, essential to note is that some songs have been performed as an act of meditation and watching such performances will help you to meditate as well. There are, therefore, various forms of such melodies, but their aim is to help you to achieve meditation.

Historically speaking, this music was mainly religious; because this was the only type of music that could help you relax and stay calm. However, with time, composers started to come out to make melodies specifically for reflection. In this music, they included various techniques and concepts for meditation. Examples of such composers and music include Tony Scott famous for his Den Meditation music in 1964, Stimmung, Kalheinz Stockhausen in 1970, Hymnen in 1969 and Olivier Messianen in 1941 among others. All these composers included meditation techniques in their music and they became extremely popular for that. Performers of this type of songs were also instructed to only play it with a blank mind. In other words, they were supposed to play it without thinking about anything else apart from their playing. This was a form of reflection in itself and it was thought that the way the players were playing the music would help the audience to also achieve meditation during the show. In addition, some composers required the performers to be in a state of introspection before playing the music. For example, Ben Johnstone, who was famous for his Visions and Spells in 1976, required that the performers meditated prior to performing. All this was done to ensure that by the time the performance started, there was a mood of reflection that could then be enhanced by the music.

Today, meditative music is still being used in the process of thought and some modern compositions have come up. It is essential to note that without these songs, it would be hard to achieve meditation. The process of reflection is supposed to affect you as a whole, including your body, soul and mind. Only can affect all these three aspects and help you stay calm in the process. If you are trying to meditate without the tunes, you will find it hard to concentrate on your meditation, thus, virtually impossible to do so. However, with music on, you will concentrate on the music and eventually the emotions that it makes you feel.

About the Author

Overall, this type of music is supposed to help you to achieve maximum human emotion. For more information about the meditative music, please visit
Meditation music, meditative music, meditate music, meditation cd

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Yoga as a spiritual exercise for health and mind

Article by Karan Khalsa

Yoga is a spiritual exercise that tends to unite the body with the mind and the mind with the soul. The practice of yoga leads an individual to a state of eternal bliss. Through various asanas and proper breathing techniques, yoga sadhana enables an individual to attain ultimate end of all human pursuits, that is, “Moksha”. Moksha is the stage, which when reached, an individual is liberated from all bondage, insecurities, desires, limitations and inadequacy. Practice of yoga and meditation lets a practitioner attain freedom from all bindings that create a hindrance on the divine journey in life. By cleansing the conscious and sub conscious, yoga asanas prepare us for the dawning of Self-knowledge. The connection with the inner self is realized and a mental state of harmony and peace is reached. Yoga, by harmonizing one’s life, awakens the latent capabilities and unites him with the cosmic consciousness. The highest aim of yoga is realization of the true self. This realization leads to a feeling of oneness, the oneness in which a serene state, flawless insight and ethereal euphoria is experienced. Yoga asanas, breathing techniques, relaxation methods help to re-structure the mind, body and soul.

There are many forms of yoga and intense practice of each forms are beneficial to a person. Yoga asanas, when coupled with soothing music, enhances the mood of the practitioner. Right kind of yoga music sets up an apt ambiance, helping a yoga aspirant to concentrate on his meditation and asanas. The different kinds of asanas activate intuitions and creativity within the individual. It awakens the latent capabilities and thus enhance the mental power. Furthermore, practice of yoga is sure ailment to many kind of diseases.

Each type of yoga are unique in their own ways and paves the path to reach the same divine goal. Like, in Kundalini Yoga, the dormant life force lying within the body is awakened, with sets of exercises and proper breathing practice. In Ashtanga Yoga, practitioner concentrates upon one point in order to integrate discontinuous and diffused attention. The asanas in Astanga yoga stills the mind and the meditation paves the route to self-realization. Bhakti Yoga is a discipline of devotion which involves practice of deep meditation. Chanting of mantras is also an integral part of Bhakti yoga. Jnana Yoga is the discipline of knowledge. With this yoga type, the difference between the real and the unreal is realized. The real entity, that is, God is eternal and is the highest truth, whereas, the objects are temporary and vulnerable to time. Karma Yoga means the discipline of right action and serving good to mankind, without thought of reward and without becoming attached emotionally to the results.

The spirit of the yoga has enthralled every human mortal in the world. With every passing day, yoga practice has become more and more popular. Along with it, the influence of music on yoga sessions has reached a new height. Since ages, music and yoga have been two inseparable entities. Many yoga classes use soothing music in the background. Music has an ubiquitous appeal and in the field of yoga and meditation, music is widely used as an accelerator and supreme concentrator. Yoga music delves into the deeper layers of the human conscious and offers him a peace of mind. Music as the non-verbal mode of communication, tunes the mind of the practitioner to non-ordinary levels of perception. Nowadays, music is widely used in meditation practice as well. The meditation music creates a tone that subtly evokes a refreshing mood and take the senses to a mystic height.

Many Yoga DVDs and Cds are available that may complement one’s yoga sessions. Spirit Voyage offers many such music albums containing chants, mantras and hymns that will guide an individual towards a holistic path. Spirit Voyage is an online music company which offers various kinds of yoga books, yoga accessories and yoga clothing. The different kinds of yoga and meditation music offered by the company can take a listening mind to an eternal divine voyage. The collection of Spirit Voyage Yoga DVDs and spiritual albums incorporate the ever peaceful voice of Gurmukh, Krishna Das, Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal, Wah and many more. Start your yoga session and enlighten your inner self as you listen to the holy mantras, chants and hymns. Their music is a great way for starting your morning and evening sadhana. The various Kundalini Yoga music, Sanskrit mantras and Instrumental yoga music shall infuse a spirit of harmony within the mind and body.

It can be concluded that yoga practice is the blueprint of achieving a pure inner self. The process of self purification is not the work of a moment. It is about true aspiration and dedication of an individual that transfers him to a higher state of health and peacefulness of mind. With yoga asanas and meditation, the desire of being one with the Divine is fulfilled. The senses reach the pinnacle of spirituality and the body and mind experiences a timeless exuberance.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

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Significance of Meditative Music

Article by N K Singh

In most cases, when you think about meditation, you think about the music that is supposed to go with it. However, to understand the significance of meditative music during the process of meditation, it is essential that you understand what the term meditation music actually means. This refers to a type of music that will help you achieve maximum human emotion. With this music, you are expected to relax, be at peace and be calm. It is essential to note that regardless of the emotion brought out by this music, it is supposed to help you relax and stay calm. In this regard, it is noted that this music meditation helps you to relax during your meditation.

It is also essential to note that some meditative music is meditative in itself, for example, soft jazz. On other words, by listening to the music, you start the process of meditation, even if you are not engaging in other things like chanting. This type of music, therefore, helps you to meditate faster and naturally. To start your meditation, all you have to do is put in a cd, and it will help you calm down.

The process of meditation is in certain instances hard to achieve. However, music makes this process easier. Research has established that music affects concentration and alertness among other things. Therefore, this type of music will help you to concentrate on your meditation, but also help you stay alert at the same time. It is extremely difficult to meditate without music, because you will always be affected by environmental factors and noises. It is only when you start the music that all the noise in the environment will fade away, and you will be left to concentrate on all the emotions that you are feeling.

Research has also shown that music can affect the body directly. So, when you listen to certain music; you will feel the need to move your body in a certain manner. It has also been said that the vibration in some songs can bring your body to align with the vibrations in the universe through dancing. By dancing, you will feel certain emotions, for example joy, peace and sadness among others. Therefore, the act of dancing will help you to realize the state of meditation faster.

From the above, it is noted that meditation music is essential for the process of meditation. However, for the music to actually work, you need to select the right music. There are a lot of criteria that is involved in the selection of this composition, but all that really matters is what you want. The selection of a musical composition is always affected by personal choice and preference. In addition to personal choice, your selection should also have regard to the emotions that the music will bring out and if it is capable of affecting your soul, body and mind.

About the Author

Find here more interesting facts about meditation at Meditative music and Meditate music.

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Practice Theta Meditation & See the Difference

Article by Jonsonmak

Due to the worries of personal and professional life, most of the individuals fall prey to the restlessness of mind. As a result, their facial expression always reflects their depression. With the help of meditation techniques, the individuals get a chance to relax and gain a peaceful mental status. Theta meditation falls under this category of meditation techniques. Practicing this will make sure that an individual attains a meditated state where he is free from all worries and tensions. Binaural beats are the basic elements which help to make the theta technique effective enough for the practitioners so that they could achieve their goal for which they are practicing the technique.

With theta meditation, the yogi enters into a state where he feels drowsy because of extreme relaxation. This is the best technique for the ones who suffer from the problem of insomnia and sleepless nights. This technique helps the individuals to sleep tight and due to the lack of body awareness start dreaming of some good things that could enhance the positivity inside them. If you have heard from someone that theta meditation does not work properly, then instead of believing the person, you should try it yourself. This is because the ineffectiveness of the meditation techniques is the result of its improper and irregular practice.

If you are regular and practice the techniques properly, theta meditation is the best alternative for you to attain utmost relaxation.

Some of the benefits of practicing this technique are as follows:

Theta meditation enhances the level of creativity in a person. Therefore, the ones who are engaged in the profession of producing something creative, this type of meditation could be a great help for them.
The beta waves in your body block the capacity of intuition in you. Practicing this meditation will ensure heightened intuition.
Theta meditation will help you to get an insight of your subconscious mind, thereby keeping the conscious one aside.
With the help of this meditation, you get a chance to remould the thinking direction of your subconscious mind. If it

Yoga for Women

Article by Jeet Kumar

Yoga has been one of the foremost ways of attaining a balanced mind, body and soul for many years now. Yoga integrates the body with the inner consciousness. For its proven scientific base and methodology, yoga has been thoroughly popular since many years. One can unite his own consciousness with the universal consciousness. The highest state of spirituality becomes clearer through this gradual process of self-realization. One can easily control his/her mind, body and soul by practicing any form of yoga, Kundalini yoga, Kriya yoga or Hatha yoga.

Yoga music plays a pivotal role in aiding the entire process of meditation. Music has the power to turn away tensions, stresses. Music has the power to bring out a person from her current state to a state of oneness with god. Music is universal, and when it is teamed up with yoga it can emancipate a person from all the worldly worries and thoughts. Music has a tremendous impact on all three types of yoga structures such as yoga poses, meditation and breathing exercises. With its tunes that touch the heart, music has the power to increase the concentration level drastically. Spirit Voyage offers a huge array of yoga music CDs and DVDs which will assist anyone who want to learn and practice Yoga. Blessings of a woman by Satkrin Kaur Khalsa is one such Yoga DVD which pushes the women to uplift themselves to become one with God.

Women are the centre of our universe. They deserve to lead a healthy life. For making the woman of 21st century ready for the day-to-day challenges, yoga comes to aid for many of them. Yoga and meditation music will go hand-in-hand in making a woman achieve that perfect state of well-being that she desperately needs right now. Yoga music has been phenomenal in helping woman deal with the stress and the inner turmoil in these turbulent times. Yoga is beneficial for them in a way that they don’t need to sweat it out in a gym as Yoga is a low-impact exercise. Women can enjoy Yoga at any age without being in top physical condition. Yoga music along with it relaxes a women to prepare her for the day-to-day challenges. The psychological benefits are immense and so are the physical changes.

At every stage of life, women can enjoy the benefits of Yoga. They will be more aware about their strengths and weaknesses. Their flexibility will improve and so will the coordination of muscles. Every system in the body gets a thorough work-out, be it cardio-vascular, respiratory and circulatory system. All the common problems in women are alleviated. For instance lower back pain before menstruation and during pregnancy subside with regular yoga exercise. During pregnancy mild yoga exercises will help the mother to remain fit without putting stress on the baby. Yoga strengthens the heart but keeps the blood pressure low. Under proper guidance, Yoga can ease a women into motherhood. Many yoga forms such as Kundalini Yoga will put any woman on top of her physical conditions.

Meditation music offered by Spirit Voyage is soothing and has been created by some of the most illuminating minds of our times. I am a woman by Yogi Bhajan is a Yoga DVD which stands out from hundreds of them available in Spirit Voyage. Yoga makes everyone happy, spirited and healthy. So, go ahead and transform yourself into a better human-being altogether.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

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Get Rid Of Concentration Problems Meditation

Article by Rockeysheen01

Are you suffering from concentration problem? Can’t you do your wok whole heartedly and suffer from distractions? Most of the people under the sun are having this grave problem. You go to your work place every day and have a tremendous work pressure. You work like a machine. You get stressed too much and cannot sleep properly at the night. The next day it becomes very difficult for you to concentrate and you cannot do your scheduled work with great care. However you need not worry. There is a remedy to get out of the problem. Certain meditation techniques are discussed in this article.

Need for meditation

If you cannot give your full concentration in whatever work you do, no matter how petty it is, you must meditate. Secondly, meditation gives you relaxation and you can do away with extreme tension and stress. Excessive tension and stress stimulates disorders of the nerves and you cannot focus on your mind. If you meditate your mind gets focused on a particular point and your nervous system, especially your brain gets a lot of energy. Therefore meditation is necessary.

Thirdly and finally, our body will only function properly if you have a safe and sound sleep. A deep slumber is very essential in order to get rid of malfunctioning of hormones. For this reason you need concentration in your sleep too, and it is only possible if you can meditate. You should follow some meditation techniques for this reason.

Few guidelines for helping you in meditation

There are several meditation techniques for beginners. You cannot deny the fact that meditation is difficult. Isn’t it? When you first try to meditate for sometime sitting in your bed room, you will find it difficult to focus on your mind. You will feel distressed as a lot of things will start coming to your mind and you will get distracted of unwanted thoughts.

Some meditation techniques for you are-

Breathing exercise – this is a very important technique. You should sit anywhere in your room. It should be an enclosed area without any noise. Close your eyes and start counting. Focus on every breath you take. Count till 100. You should keep your mind absolutely blank during this exercise. At first you will have problem, but gradually you will get used to it.

Meditation CDs– these are also useful meditation techniques. Darken your room and put a meditation CD into your music system. Follow the instructions of the speaker of the CD and do it properly. This will help you a lot.

These meditation techniques are very useful and will help you in gaining concentration. Thus, you will be able to take a lot of work pressure.

About the Author

This Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

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Yoga this is a yoga

Article by Denis

Yoga is primarily based on knowledge and practice. Yoga includes the theoretical foundations of any subject, as well as practical techniques to achieve different goals. Consider, for example, yoga can be a psychologist.
From the ancient Greek language “psychology” is translated as the science of the soul. Does yoga teaches that we are the soul of nature? Yes, yoga is based on the understanding that we are not the body and the soul inside the body.

From the perspective of modern human psychology is the science of the mind. Here, yoga, with its variety of different psychological techniques is superior to many cutting-edge psychological techniques.

Consider, for example fashion today, the practice of visualization, or imagination, such as a method of “Silva” and other techniques based on this. In the movie “Secret” a detailed account of such visualization models of consciousness. Let’s see how all these methods are taken.

Long yoga involves the practice of visualization or imagination in the mind, the desired object. Yoga can imagine the power of mind that their body becomes easier to fluff, and they began to levitate. Yogi could have imagined in the mind of gold, and in his hand he has the gold.

For example, a person strongly wants to have a yacht or a cool car. He presents an image of the car, or boat. They are, after a while to materialize, but the person gets the object the force of his good karma and bad karma.

Have to borrow, and then work hard to repay debts and as a result together with the yacht a person gets a lot of hassle. So that work is the practice of visualization? The answer – yes, but need a lot of time to think before something to represent. Yoga everybody knows it, because it teaches yoga around.

Yoga – is the perfect practice of psychology, will satisfy those who want to understand themselves and those who want to learn how to work with the mind. But it is thanks to yoga can be avoided in the lives of so many mistakes.

Yoga teaches, for example, practices of contemplation and meditation, or concentration. Contemplation – is when we just observe your mind, but on anything not specifically focus and concentration – it is a deliberate concentration of his mind, a particular object.

Yoga helps, thanks to a contemplative and meditative practice, very deep cleansing and relaxation of the mind. At the initial stage of the purification of the accumulated mental stress, and then accumulates the energy of goodness.

Yoga – a perfect psychological system, which also includes a deep knowledge of the mind, its properties and how they operate. Yoga has many thousands owns these techniques. Therefore, another translation of the word yoga – it sounds like control feeling.

I hope you’re interested in learning about yoga and its possibilities, but in the descriptions of yoga, you will not find a description of the technology, which is kept secret. All of this is due to the fact that in yoga there is a private training from master to apprentice.

Yoga also refers to a teacher who realized what he had heard from his teacher and so the chain. If you want to learn the secrets of yoga, find one who has realized there is a teacher and then many of life’s mysteries will be opened to you.

All articles of our site are intended to ensure that you have formed a clear image of yoga as a multifaceted system of cultivation rights. Study, ponder, write, call, come and Study of yoga.

About the Author

Start doing yoga right now, buy a yoga mat bags. Tree of life yoga

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