Choose meditation techniques for mind and body relaxation

Article by Rockeysheen01

Meditation techniques and yoga have gained immense popularity all across the globe as people have gained enormously from them. Life has become a race and there are no chances of stopping and relaxing. This is causing immense stress and tension in life and hampering many normal processes. It is becoming difficult for people to take out time for themselves from the busy schedule that they are following. The only way to get rid of this stressful situation is through the various meditation techniques that can be practiced by all. These help in relaxing the mind and the body in a great way and prepare you for a better life. It is really not impossible to find out 30 minutes in the whole day and practice meditation and yoga. People have confessed themselves that on following meditation techniques on regular basis, they have been able to handle stress and tension in a better manner and have sought easy solutions to many problems. Meditation techniques are quite difficult for beginners. Many people might think as what is so difficult in meditation, but once you sit for meditation you will find that it is not a very easy thing to do. It is quite difficult to bring your mind to a single point of focus and keep on concentrating at that for long. It is quite natural for the mind to wander in various directions. The basic mantra of all meditation techniques is to bring the mind on a single point and concentrate on that. It is quite obvious that it cannot be done all of a sudden and needs quite a bit of practice. The most important thing for good meditation techniques is the place and the posture of meditation. Without these, no meditation process can be successful. As a part of proper meditation techniques, it is important that you choose a right place. Choose a place that is open and well ventilated and away from noise and chaos. The terrace of your house or a nearby park can be great options regarding this. Meditation can be practiced at any time of the day, but early morning meditation has special effects on the mind and the body. Another important part in meditation techniques is regarding the pose. You need to sit in correct posture with a straight back. However, so not over stress yourself with the posture. It is important that you relax while meditating.

About the Author

This Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

Yoga Meditation to Free the Mind

Article by Daveopton

Yoga and meditation are two useful practices that balance each other and, when skillful together, expand the practitioner’s occurrence. The word Yoga means “unification,” a state which occurs when the body and mind are in concord. For this to occur, the mind must be at a standstill.

There are several kinds of meditation, but meditation (concentration), on a function, is a good place to start. Deliberation can be thought of as the ability to put the intelligence on one thing and leave it there.To begin concentration meditation, watch the breath go in and out at one point in the body, and count to ten breaths. Many thoughts will come into your brain and disturb you, but if you can get to ten, you are doing healthy.

A variety of different relaxation techniques can help you bring your nervous system back into balance by producing the relaxation response. The relaxation response is not lying on the couch or sleeping but a mentally active process that leaves the body relaxed, calm, and focused.

There is no single relaxation technique that is best for everyone. When choosing a relaxation technique, consider your specific needs, preferences, fitness level, and the way you tend to react to stress. The right relaxation technique is the one that resonates with you, fits your lifestyle, and is able to focus your mind and interrupt your everyday thoughts in order to elicit the relaxation response.The first and most important thing is to find a place where there are no outside disturbances. You have to know the correct posture to adopt so its best if you practice yoga meditation under a professional at least in the beginning till you are able to do it properly on your own. Once you have the place and the posture, then find a point on which to fix your mind.

Yoga meditation is not easy nor is it simple. One has to be prepared physically and mentally for the conditioning that it is going to provide to your mind. It means freedom from material connections and one has to be strong-minded enough to go through with it.In order for meditation to take place, the mind must be willing to look at itself. When the collective consciousness of a society meditates on a regular basis, it will be reflected by peaceful behavior.

Yoga Meditation is a wonderful resource for mankind because it can bring the mind to a state of peace with itself. A global society, which has an addiction to multi-tasking, needs time to “unplug” itself, and Yoga meditation offers realistic solutions.

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Read about Yoga Teacher Training. Read More about Yoga Trainer Certification and also read about Yoga Teacher Classes.

Free Your mind from worries, relax and meditate

Article by chepay

Are you tired of the busy lifestyle? How do you cope up with stress and achieve a sense of peace and well- being? Not surprisingly, meditation techniques are becoming increasingly popular. What really is meditation?When you hear the word meditation, what usually comes up in your mind?

I want to share it with you about the book I had read a while ago entitled ” INTO GOD’S PRESENCE, Listening to God through Prayer and Meditation by Liz Babbs who works extensively in the area of relaxation and meditation. Her work has been featured in many of the major newspapers and magazines, and she recorded a series of stress- busting relaxation and meditation slots for Christian radio and tv.

I was amazed and blessed with this book. To give you an overview of meditation, meditation is a mental and spiritual activity between an individual or group, and God. It directs the mind away from self, and concentrates it upon God. A christian meditation is a deep form of prayer that can lead to direct communication with God. It is not focused on experience or requests, but on surrender. We are learning the simplicity of being with God. I tried it to, and it is really relaxing. There are lot of meditation technique in this book, I will share to you what I loved most and I usually do. The Beach Meditation, It is really helpful to play some gentle atmospheric music during this meditation. You can used this in retreat session for relaxation or a small group. If you want to try this to yourself, have someone do this to you.

Here’s the script:

Imagine that you are lying on the beach…think about your favorite beach and visualise yourself lying there now.

The pebbles are moving gently as the waves lap on to the shore…see the colors all around you-reflected in the sea…the shells… the sky…

Feel the warmth of the sun on your body as you relax into the warm sand beneath you. ( pause )

Now imagine that you have become one of the pebbles on the beach…How does it feel to be gently lifted up as the waves lap over you- refining…smoothing…redefining.. ( pause)

Enjoy the rhythm of the sea washing over you as you breache out tension…and breath in tranquility;( pause ) and as you breathe out anxiety and breathe in peace. ( pause ).

Now think of those times when the tide of your life’s circumstances have smoothed away your own rough edges. ( pause ) And now thank God for his healing work in your life. ( pause )

And finally, entrust yourself into the loving arms of the One who gives us the gift of his rest. ( let music play out ).

How does it feel now? Have you free your self from worry? You can do it as often as you can. If you feel heavy deep inside you, then relax and take a moment to meditate. Have a blessed life ahead!

About the Author

Cheryl Estorgio has specialization in Web Marketing and Content writing, Link Building and organic search engine optimization.See Busby Seo Challenge for more info.

Reiki Healing Music ~ Mind, Body & Soul : Reiki : Video

Reiki Healing Music ~ Mind, Body & Soul : Reiki  : Video

Reiki :

‘Heavenly Ki’ by Harvey Summers -download at iTunes: Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese word for universal life energy. This energy is also know as ‘Ki’ (which means the same as Chi in Chinese), ‘Prana’ in Sanskrit and ‘Ti’ or ‘Ki’ in Hawaiian. Reiki, a gentle hand on healing art, provides an easy way to access healing energy. It is a powerful method which helps our bodies,minds and spirits to heal. The recording ‘Heavenly Ki’ by Harvey Summers is taken from the ‘Spiritual Vitamins’ CD release ‘Reiki’. This album of specially composed meditative music reaches out and touches your inner spirit helping you to embrace the fundamental Reiki principles – Just for today: let go all the anger and worry, count your many blessings and be kind to every living creature. Music samples from the album can be hear on

Meditation and Its Benefits on Health and Mind

Article by Dave Brown

Self-help meditation books are quite in demand these as days as the urbanites are getting increasingly entwined with their work life with no single moment to relax their body and mind. Meditation in the recent decades has emerged as the most acceptable alternative to energize body and spirit which is necessary to balance work and life-after-work. But due to lack of time, it becomes impossible to head for Haridwar or for Rishikesh for a month-long retreat. Books on meditation allow this busy generation to strike this balance in life and rejuvenate their body. In fact, meditation is not only regarded as an ancient practice that unwinds body, mind and spirit. People also meditate today to overcome serious health issues and meditation books can really help the practitioners in a great way.

Though meditation in India is closely related to spirituality since the pre-Christian time, in the past few decades, there has been extensive study on how meditation can be put to use for medical treatment. Today there are scores of meditation books that discuse not only the benefits of this practice first propagated by Patanjali some 2200 years ago but also detail on the respective of postures of different forms of meditation practiced in India. At the bottom, deep meditation de-stresses mind, removes negative energy and inspires thought that are more constructive. One becomes more focused and attains an enhanced consciousness. But there are specific medical issues that can be overcome by observing the correct body posture and books on meditation offer immense insight into these benefits.

Stress: Stress has become the most unwanted gift of modern life and meditation books are there that can give you a fair idea of how meditation and concentration help one to reduce the level of cortisol–the key stress hormone in human beings. Research has shown that during meditation, the production of this hormone is very low and this state continues for hours after the meditation. In fact there are books on meditation that describes how our body attains a state of calmness through meditation which boosts alpha waves in the brain and make our minds more receptive and quiet. An Electroencephalograph (EEG) is also enough to prove that during meditations, the intensity of alpha waves is greater than when we are asleep. Today, meditation is a well-researched discipline and books on meditations provide vital information about the physical and mental benefits of this practice. If you are looking for a reliable meditation destination, you can approach Z Meditation in India.

Heart issues: Cardio benefits of meditation have been published in several renowned journals including Psychosomatic Medicine and a journal called Stroke from American Heart Association. And meditation books often refer to these journals to support claims about the benefits of meditation. According to these books on meditation, yoga and concentration check the level of lipid peroxide, a substance that thickens the walls of artery. These meditation books also claim that blood pressure of those who meditate is significantly lower than those who don’t. Insomnia: Meditation is widely considered an effective insomnia treatment. Muscle tension and disturbing thought interfere with sleep but when you quieten your mind and relax your body, you shake off them and you can take up meditation as a part of your daily chores. Authoritative meditation books provide extensive information about correct posture and meditation technique for good results. Some books on meditation also do propose, though debated, that meditation improves immunity by facilitating increased production of antibody. Research also shows that meditation brings positive emotion by working on some areas of brain. Though some of the claims made in such meditation books are debated, it is really the benefits on health and mind that account for such wide-ranging popularity of this originally Indian tradition.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for iPhone at Apps First – Game site of Ipad Games, Trivia Games, Best Iphone Apps for Kids and Bible Trivia.

Considerations about REIKI therapy for mind disorders

Article by Alex

Of course the subject will be divided from 2 perspectives:- patient as therapist on its own- patient

From the patient point of view, without making psycho-analysis about the disorder reason all he has to do is to go to the therapist who MIGHT help him.

I said might because in this case the therapy could be as struggle between the therapist action and the patient reluctance to change his own life pattern.

For example, I consider alcoholism much more a mind disorder than a body addiction.

The alcoholic patient go to the therapist expecting that will give him the strength, willingness, desire to let this behavior away (that is exactly what he has to do on its own).


In this case somebody else (therapist) cannot substitute even applying REIKI techniques to the OWN patient determination to change the habit.

This means that from mental point of view patient must satisfy his senses.

Mind is the central of all senses. Mind full of alcohol and habits around it for example, led to lose time to be treated by a REIKI practitioner. He/Reiki energy cannot substitute your lack of determination.

In my opinion a person in the above mention state (alcohol was just an example) could be more effective in healing himself practicing REIKI.

So receive the attunements from a proper teacher (with a visible healthy line) , I suggest, eastern traditional REIKI (Japanese) or GENDAI REIKI HO.

I pass later the other problems related to whom you have to address in order to achieve this, i will revert in a later article.

Once you become a REIKI practitioner you have opened the possibility to cure yourself for good about all problems you have with mind.

Why am i so sure?


Please visit to get a free REIKI therapy or

All you have to do is to practice every day programming / deprogramming techniques as well as the meditations specific to REIKI.

Do not practice on others till you reach a state of calm, peace and auto control.

I do not give names of techniques here, I only want to paramount the importance of breath light during meditations. (there are specific and elaborate exercises for that)

First reaction in case of inner angry, panic attacks, stress, etc might be reluctance in front of “breath” through suitable chakras, the light, lead the light inside you, filling yourself with it.

Passover this reluctance, continue the exercises, defy the fear continue to breath light inside you and you will see.

Do the exercises correctly, day after day, month after month, let the light enter inside you and believe me you will solve the problem.

You will solve better that the psyho therapist, with less money, and for good.

The light inside you will make wonders.

Breathing light with top of the head chakra leading it along the energetic channel to the HARA (energetic center of body) found under the belly, gathering the light there in a sphere of intense light which will spread all over the body (all these during breathing) and then during expiration expand the light from inside toward exterior in a expandable sphere of light to the infinite.

The secret is that if you are attuned properly, simple fact that you imagine the above process in reality will take place.

Practice yourselves REIKI and check.

About the Author


Mind Your Meditation

Article by Jim Karter

Human being is the most intelligent creature on the earth. He has a continuous quench of knowledge, technology; development and he explores the universe to satisfy this need.

“Don’t ever remain satisfied” is the keyword in human life and it only makes the difference between man on the first day of his existence and now. There is a loophole in his nature too. He never gets what he wants because it is hidden inside him and we do not ever care to peep inside.

Meditation is the way to relax yourself from stress. It is a traditional custom which has religious importance. Christians meditate by chanting prayer to God and confessions at church, Buddhism believes in it as “a method of mind transformation”, Japanese Zen masters believe in it as “the experience of true nature,” Tibetian Buddhist” thinks it as “a way to awaken sky like nature of the mind.”

Hinduism also believes it as “a way to talk with inner voice”. Jain religion advocates its contemplation and Islam suggests it five times a day because it is a divine inspiration to liberate heart and intellect accordingly. Though the definations, ways to do it are different, purpose is same according to all religions. That is to speak with the divine spirit according to your belief.

Modern psychology also recommends meditation as a way to bust your stress and get inspiration to rejoin work. Eastern practices of doing it are well known all over the world now. Even psychologists believe that sleep is also a form of sustained meditation. Good results are found in the field of curative psychiatric treatments.

Everyone follows a busy work schedule and cumbersome load today. Meditation enables person to handle all stressful situations in a peaceful and balanced manner. It creates the space of your own where you could have your own time to relax yourself, get motivation and winning spirit.

Position of meditating is crossed legs; spine must be straight, barefoot and on the floor. But this is traditional one with the religious view. Now a days sitting on chair, on knees is also suggested. some meditative institutions suggest wide open eye concentrated on any given image like candle, red bulb, idol of a God, a point on a wall etc.

In meditation chants, mantras, prayer recitations are continuously chanted. Loud or silent recitations help person to become free from each and every worry, thought going on in the mind. Peaceful meditation without such prayers needs extreme self power to become liberated soul from all the earthly worries.

Meditation also teaches how to breathe. A full breath till belly is suggested to feel cheerful and fresh. concentration on breathing also make us aware about the greatest gift given to us by nature that is this life.

Yoga is a famous eastern style which teaches “asana”, the proper sitting posture, “mudra”- position of hands and gestures, deep full breathe, and concentration inside yourself.

Benefits of meditation are well known: first of all they are stress busters. They turn you into an introverted personality; provide your own space to react. So, students who become very nervous at the time of examinations could use this method. Those who have hectic schedule can get decision making power by meditating everyday. Most of all meditation gives magical results to those who are fading with the depression, short temper, and impatient. By the help of meditation they can be treated.

Because it between you and yourself, very less accessories are required. A mat to sit upon, and an enlightened mind. Indoor and outdoor is not a problem because it explores the world existing inside you. There are no side effects of meditation and even an instructor is not necessary. Once you begin to peep inside you will get a treasure for which you were struggling hard. Is there any limitation for the fortunate one who is aware about his own abilities to change the world?

About the Author

The author Jim Karter provides detailed information about Natural healing Know more about Meditation.